BBC pay reveal

They are part of that mechanism it's disingenuous to suggest otherwise. The BBC is one of the projects that needs a long hard rethink, if it can't survive without forcing people to pay perhaps it should suffer the organic death it deserves. We DO scrutinise MP's pay we look at it and have an opinion on it, what's happening to the fat Cats at the BBC is exactly the same and if they get judged on a personal level for their employment benefits so what? I for one don't care that Linekers feelings are upset.

You said the BBC bully. That's rubbish.

I have no idea what you're trying to say now.
I think that's why a few of them are on big money so there's a retainer payment in there as well so they can't work for any other organisation. I'm thinking Graham Norton, Alan Shearer and Chris Evans

Fuck knows how big ears has got his money for MOTD, the Euro's and SPOTY
Oh actually, does he do the golf? That's four days

Some people are getting upset that this is even mentioned, it's like it should be hush hush and kicked in the long grass.
Are you saying employees of the BBC are not entitled to be treated with respect or decency? And as I repeatedly said transparency is not the issue. If the BBC are to publish salaries then you should know this prior to joining so that you can make an informed choice. Outing people who joined on the expectation of privacy is wrong. If you want to make salaries public then do so for new hires not the existing hires.

The motive behind this has nothing to do with transparency, gender gaps, nurses or public sector pay in general. It is designed to make life difficult for the BBC. Chris Evens earning £2 or £2m will have zero impact on nurses pay. Chris Evens or Lineaker are not responsible for nurses pay and putting them in the stocks of public opinion will not help a struggling nurse one fucking bit.

It's classic misdirection. Nurses are low paid but Lineaker gets zillions. Yeah it's all Gary fucking Lineaker's fault.

What world are you living in. Organisations change policies all the time and workers have to accept it.

In answer to decency yes all of us deserve that but I also know of people in many jobs who have had agreed t&c's changed and have had to accept it.

They have lost a whole lot more than these now have so when I weigh it up I think sod it. Show us.

I doubt Gary or Evans lose any sleep about the public sector pension changes that occurred even though people joined partly due to them.

Anyway move on. We know most of their salaries now and long may it continue.
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Are you saying employees of the BBC are not entitled to be treated with respect or decency? And as I repeatedly said transparency is not the issue. If the BBC are to publish salaries then you should know this prior to joining so that you can make an informed choice. Outing people who joined on the expectation of privacy is wrong. If you want to make salaries public then do so for new hires not the existing hires.

The motive behind this has nothing to do with transparency, gender gaps, nurses or public sector pay in general. It is designed to make life difficult for the BBC. Chris Evens earning £2 or £2m will have zero impact on nurses pay. Chris Evens or Lineaker are not responsible for nurses pay and putting them in the stocks of public opinion will not help a struggling nurse one fucking bit.

It's classic misdirection. Nurses are low paid but Lineaker gets zillions. Yeah it's all Gary fucking Lineaker's fault.

I don't blame Lineker at all. If your employer offers to pay you stupid money, you'd be pretty weird if you said "please no, that's too much". But I do blame the BBC for paying what I consider to be a ludicrous amount of money for a nothing of a job. If you are the CEO of Sainsburys and on that sort of money, with decisions that affect the tens of thousands of people working for you, well fair enough. But for a fucking football TV show? Jesus Christ, there must be half a million people in this country who could do that job and viewing figures would not go down one iota. The BBC are simply pissing our money away needlessly.

And as I've said, £500,000 for Alan fucking Shearer? It really does wind me up this, it really does. I wouldn't give him £50 a week. Seriously.
What I find obscene is tossers like Shearer, Lineker, Winkleman, Evans et al getting fortunes, whilst people that do something worthwhile like Doctors, Surgeons, Cancer Specialists etc etc are not even in the same league.

Someone needs to reset the benchmark.
Are you saying employees of the BBC are not entitled to be treated with respect or decency? And as I repeatedly said transparency is not the issue. If the BBC are to publish salaries then you should know this prior to joining so that you can make an informed choice. Outing people who joined on the expectation of privacy is wrong. If you want to make salaries public then do so for new hires not the existing hires.

The motive behind this has nothing to do with transparency, gender gaps, nurses or public sector pay in general. It is designed to make life difficult for the BBC. Chris Evens earning £2 or £2m will have zero impact on nurses pay. Chris Evens or Lineaker are not responsible for nurses pay and putting them in the stocks of public opinion will not help a struggling nurse one fucking bit.

It's classic misdirection. Nurses are low paid but Lineaker gets zillions. Yeah it's all Gary fucking Lineaker's fault.
Wow. I never knew Mick Channon was a Cellarite.
What I find obscene is tossers like Shearer, Lineker, Winkleman, Evans et al getting fortunes, whilst people that do something worthwhile like Doctors, Surgeons, Cancer Specialists etc etc are not even in the same league.

Someone needs to reset the benchmark.

Loads of people can be doctors or surgeons or whatever though. Be lucky enough to be born with a half decent brain, and do a bit of work at school and uni and when training, and there you go, you're a surgeon. What they get paid seems about right to me.

I also don't mind someone like Peter Kay being worth £40m, because he's a genius and not many people can do what he does.

What really winds me up is twats like Shearer getting paid £500,000 a year for talking complete and utter bollocks for 50 minutes for 40 weeks of the year. That is a total disgrace. My 82 year old mother could do that job, and she knows fuck all about football.
What I find obscene is tossers like Shearer, Lineker, Winkleman, Evans et al getting fortunes, whilst people that do something worthwhile like Doctors, Surgeons, Cancer Specialists etc etc are not even in the same league.

Someone needs to reset the benchmark.

Yet you probably contribute to this obscenity

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