Being Treated like schoolkids by UEFA on Wednesday again

r.soleofsalford said:
Didsbury Dave said:
I'm just making plans as usual with my mates and family to meet up for a pint before the Napoli game. Unless it's a special occasion that's what I always do at City. Meet my mates, have a pint, watch the game and go home.

I've just remembered that no alcohol is for sale at these games. Who the fuck do UEFA think they are, patronising paying football fans like this? Football is an entertainment business. If you go to the theatre it's routine to have a drink. If you go to a gig you havea drink. People like it. I like it. I don't get drunk. I don't smash the place up. I don't abuse anyone. I have a pint or two with my mates and enjoy myself.

Are they trying to teach us that we don't need alcohol to have a good time?Assuming we all just fucking lap it up like good little school children? The partonising bastards. Will City Square be open or will the powers that be deem me, the paying customer, to not be worthy of enough trust to have a couple of pints there either?

I can enjoy the game without a beer of course. And I can go to the pub 100 yards away to cheat the system. That's not the point. It's about time UEFA realised that we are paying customers with free choice, not naughty school children.

And while I'm at it, isn't it about time beer was allowed to be drunk in the stands again in the premier league? What a pointless, ridiculous rule. That's our government, not UEFA. And, like with the other Taylor report recommendations, we all just lap it up and feel grateful.

I know City have their hands tied, I'm not blaming them at all. But it's about time football in general started to realise that it is nothing without us paying matchday fans. If we don't turn up their precious TV product will die.

if this is you without i wouldnt like to meet you after youve had a few

I'm a lover not a fighter mate, when I've had a few.

Hugging people after goals, proclaiming my love for City and that.
BoyBlue_1985 said:
It makes it worse really as people just hammer more down quicker before they go

Do what I do and take a hip flask full of 80% proof Absinthe in with you too. We'll show those UEFA bastards they can't stop us.
allan harper said:
It'll be difficult to do the Poznan while side stepping pints of piss.
I think 99% of adult fans would rather have a drink in their seat instead of doing the Poznan
squirtyflower said:
You're right though DD
All the wallas in the executive suites will be swilling alcohol
It's just the normal plebs who make up 98% of the stadium that turn into raving lunatics if they get a pint inside the ground

Having been a corporate customer, even that is pathetic. You can sit in your box getting boozed up but as soon as the game kicks off they come round and take tham off you. Ridiculous, and you could be paying £200 to be there.

That's why they have those big blinds in the lounges behind the goals.
Scully said:
danburge82 said:
Heineken is one of the major sponsors of the CL. So how the frig can they stop clubs selling alcohol in the stadiums? Legally i'm sure that their sponsorship with Heineken would not allow them to do this. Amstel was a major sponsor before this too.

Also don't they allow clubs in other countries seel alcohol. I'm sure i read on here that Copenhagen were seelling cans at their ground and i'm sure everyone will remember that Hamburg/Shalke (can't remember which one) [female] fan who was celebrating and got a full pint of beer right over her head - it was funny as fuck! Is it just in England they don't allow alcohol sales in the ground?

If memory serves me well they were selling 'alcohol free' beer in Copenhagen. Whoopee. That said I was a bit too pissed when I got there to remember.
When J2O's first came out i had six or seven, thinking they were alcoholic, and was acting as if i was tipsy. My mates ripped me for it!
Didsbury Dave said:
I'm just making plans as usual with my mates and family to meet up for a pint before the Napoli game. Unless it's a special occasion that's what I always do at City. Meet my mates, have a pint, watch the game and go home.

I've just remembered that no alcohol is for sale at these games. Who the fuck do UEFA think they are, patronising paying football fans like this? Football is an entertainment business. If you go to the theatre it's routine to have a drink. If you go to a gig you havea drink. People like it. I like it. I don't get drunk. I don't smash the place up. I don't abuse anyone. I have a pint or two with my mates and enjoy myself.

Are they trying to teach us that we don't need alcohol to have a good time?Assuming we all just fucking lap it up like good little school children? The partonising bastards. Will City Square be open or will the powers that be deem me, the paying customer, to not be worthy of enough trust to have a couple of pints there either?

I can enjoy the game without a beer of course. And I can go to the pub 100 yards away to cheat the system. That's not the point. It's about time UEFA realised that we are paying customers with free choice, not naughty school children.

And while I'm at it, isn't it about time beer was allowed to be drunk in the stands again in the premier league? What a pointless, ridiculous rule. That's our government, not UEFA. And, like with the other Taylor report recommendations, we all just lap it up and feel grateful.

I know City have their hands tied, I'm not blaming them at all. But it's about time football in general started to realise that it is nothing without us paying matchday fans. If we don't turn up their precious TV product will die.

Get Ollie Holt to do a story for you
Neville Kneville said:
So does that mean Platini's not allowed to have a glass of wine when he goes to any UEFA games then ? Because he always looks full of it to me (& four pounds of cheese) as if he's about to fall asleep.

All the Uefa shitehawks, not a penny piece paid for a ticket, I'll wager, will no doubt be supping to their liver's content come KO, HT and FT on Wednesday.

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