Being Treated like schoolkids by UEFA on Wednesday again

BillyMC said:
lunaazul said:
Didsbury Dave said:
I'm just making plans as usual with my mates and family to meet up for a pint before the Napoli game. Unless it's a special occasion that's what I always do at City. Meet my mates, have a pint, watch the game and go home.

I've just remembered that no alcohol is for sale at these games. Who the fuck do UEFA think they are, patronising paying football fans like this? Football is an entertainment business. If you go to the theatre it's routine to have a drink. If you go to a gig you havea drink. People like it. I like it. I don't get drunk. I don't smash the place up. I don't abuse anyone. I have a pint or two with my mates and enjoy myself.

Are they trying to teach us that we don't need alcohol to have a good time?Assuming we all just fucking lap it up like good little school children? The partonising bastards. Will City Square be open or will the powers that be deem me, the paying customer, to not be worthy of enough trust to have a couple of pints there either?

I can enjoy the game without a beer of course. And I can go to the pub 100 yards away to cheat the system. That's not the point. It's about time UEFA realised that we are paying customers with free choice, not naughty school children.

And while I'm at it, isn't it about time beer was allowed to be drunk in the stands again in the premier league? What a pointless, ridiculous rule. That's our government, not UEFA. And, like with the other Taylor report recommendations, we all just lap it up and feel grateful

I know City have their hands tied, I'm not blaming them at all. But it's about time football in general started to realise that it is nothing without us paying matchday fans. If we don't turn up their precious TV product will die.

Spot on.

What is the situation re: City Square? I'm bringing a Liverpool fan to his first City match and wanted to introduce him to the delights of the pies and beer.

Why? Dont the have pies and beer at anfield?

He's obviously a football foodie, travels around the country sampling and reviewing diferent club's culinary wares.

I can undertand that. I've just booked a trip to Villareal purely to sample their pie-ella. Its an oval, lidded shortcrust pastry parcel containing rice, seafood and chicken.

Fusion cooking at it's finest.
Nice to see you now have to moan about these kind of things at the moment, Dave ;)

But yeah I agree. Fuck off UEFA.
Didsbury Dave said:
BillyMC said:
lunaazul said:
Spot on.

What is the situation re: City Square? I'm bringing a Liverpool fan to his first City match and wanted to introduce him to the delights of the pies and beer.

Why? Dont the have pies and beer at anfield?

He's obviously a football foodie, travels around the country sampling and reviewing diferent club's culinary wares.

I can undertand that. I've just booked a trip to Villareal purely to sample their pie-ella. Its an oval, lidded shortcrust pastry parcel containing rice, seafood and chicken.

Fusion cooking at it's finest.

Good call, this exists- It's a chicken and rice empanada with seafood matey, just alter this recipe to suit then sell it to the catering staff as a 'Spanish theme' for the home leg. Then sell it to Findus ;-)

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
Jesus, I thought I'd invented the "pie-ella" and it really exists!!!

What about in Italy? Pie-llenta is what they serve. Soft porridge like italian pasta encasing a filling of pesto and mushrooms. Very like a Hollands Steak Pudding.
Dubai Blue said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Goater666 said:
When was the last time you could have a pint at your seat whilst watching Football in England?
I'm pretty sure it was before the Taylor report, 1991ish
Nah, it was banned around the mid 80s, I think. Certainly before Taylor anyway
My first memory of the Kippax in 1987 was those massive stencilled signs saying no alcohol beyond this point.

That sign was the only souvenir I wanted from MR, but it was a bit big to put on the wall, really. Some lads outside the Whitworth were dancing gleefully with the JUNIOR BLUES sign from the back of the North Stand. I was impressed; I took a photo. That was a fun day, that. Shame about the result and the ensuing morbid curioisity with our decrepit former stadium, despite being gifted one of the best stadiums in the country for nowt. But I digress.

Didsbury Dave said:
If people want to get drunk at the game they do now anyway. I don't think that rule makes a blind bit of difference. If there's trouble now it's outside the ground in the main anyway.
You must have intended the irony in this statement, surely?

Banning alcohol in the ground makes it easier for the police/stewards to stop drunk people from entering the stadium to cause trouble, and to eject them for being drunk and/or causing trouble.

Banning alcohol in view of the pitch is simply a concession made by the authorities for those who can't go 2 hours without a beer so they can have one at half time. Anyone having two pints at h/t instead of watching the second half needs to take a long hard look at their life and sort their priorities out. IMFO

talkativesprout said:
The safety nannies should move with the times, its the snort heads who are this generations fuckwits. Bag of the old charlie big spuds and fight the world.
That is why I don't usually go to Wigan away. But it's bad enough without alcohol; add six pints into the cocktail, and the same people move on to a whole new level of belligerent fucktardedness. You can see them walking around the side streets of Manchester on a Friday & Saturday night, looking for other belligerent fucktards to fight. That is why I don't drink vodka & Red Bull any more, I don't usually remember anything the next day, but everyone else knows about it so I assume I turn into a belligerent fucktard. I don't want to be one. Some people do. They're the ones who are banned from drinking alcohol in view of the pitch. Everyone else suffers as a result.

But then, I'm not an alcoholic, so I don't care either way. I'd rather not have drunk people around me at a football match (or anywhere, for that matter) thanks.

I'm not saying everyone can't handle their alcohol. I'm saying not everyone can.
I agree with the rule about no alcohol.

Sure, majority of the people there will be fine. But all it needs is a few twats to ruin it. Think of it, 46000 people in the stadium, but five people can ruin it. That's less than one percent.

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