Being Treated like schoolkids by UEFA on Wednesday again

MCFC BOB said:
Surely you can go one game without beer?

For what it's worth I drive to 90% of games. Of course I can go without a fucking beer. I regularly do.

The point is I resent UEFA removing the right to have a pint from me at games under their juristiction. Especially when I could get one within 50 yards of the entrance of the stadium. I am paying for their product and they should remember that.
BLUEMATT23 said:
I think it's just the image really. Doesn't look good if cameras pan onto people sipping pints and shouting abuse. Plus some morons would throw them from both sides.
UEFA and the the FA are keen to protect the games image and I agree about this ruling.

you can throw a glass of water now and it wouldn't cost you a penny and get your enemy just as wet.

"The game's image"?!?!? Maybe they should stop being so fucking bent, bullying and dictatorial if they want to protect the game's image. Me and my Dad having a pint under the Colin Bell Stand has no effect whatsoever on the game's image.

It's truly tragic that the authorities have brainwashed some football sheep into actually believing that this is right.
Didsbury Dave said:
MCFC BOB said:
Surely you can go one game without beer?

For what it's worth I drive to 90% of games. Of course I can go without a fucking beer. I regularly do.

The point is I resent UEFA removing the right to have a pint from me at games under their juristiction. Especially when I could get one within 50 yards of the entrance of the stadium. I am paying for their product and they should remember that.
You've answered everyone's worries: you can get a pint from 50 yards away. Just get one outside the Etihad and survive the 90+ minutes on a lemonade or something and go home.
Didsbury Dave said:
BLUEMATT23 said:
I think it's just the image really. Doesn't look good if cameras pan onto people sipping pints and shouting abuse. Plus some morons would throw them from both sides.
UEFA and the the FA are keen to protect the games image and I agree about this ruling.

you can throw a glass of water now and it wouldn't cost you a penny and get your enemy just as wet.

"The game's image"?!?!? Maybe they should stop being so fucking bent, bullying and dictatorial if they want to protect the game's image. Me and my Dad having a pint under the Colin Bell Stand has no effect whatsoever on the game's image.

It's truly tragic that the authorities have brainwashed some football sheep into actually believing that this is right.

DD - I know certain elements of watching football match now beggar belief & yes years ago I enjoyed having a pint with my dad whilst watching the game. But things have moved on, it's become more family orientated and quite simply they don't want you to be seen drinking alcohol in a stand whilst watching Football and it's not going to change.
Didsbury Dave said:
I'm just making plans as usual with my mates and family to meet up for a pint before the Napoli game. Unless it's a special occasion that's what I always do at City. Meet my mates, have a pint, watch the game and go home.

I've just remembered that no alcohol is for sale at these games. Who the fuck do UEFA think they are, patronising paying football fans like this? Football is an entertainment business. If you go to the theatre it's routine to have a drink. If you go to a gig you havea drink. People like it. I like it. I don't get drunk. I don't smash the place up. I don't abuse anyone. I have a pint or two with my mates and enjoy myself.

Are they trying to teach us that we don't need alcohol to have a good time?Assuming we all just fucking lap it up like good little school children? The partonising bastards. Will City Square be open or will the powers that be deem me, the paying customer, to not be worthy of enough trust to have a couple of pints there either?

I can enjoy the game without a beer of course. And I can go to the pub 100 yards away to cheat the system. That's not the point. It's about time UEFA realised that we are paying customers with free choice, not naughty school children.

And while I'm at it, isn't it about time beer was allowed to be drunk in the stands again in the premier league? What a pointless, ridiculous rule. That's our government, not UEFA. And, like with the other Taylor report recommendations, we all just lap it up and feel grateful.

I know City have their hands tied, I'm not blaming them at all. But it's about time football in general started to realise that it is nothing without us paying matchday fans. If we don't turn up their precious TV product will die.

Well, you have to thank the scousers for that and what they did at Heysel, and to your conationals that drink their heads off at the major football tournaments and finals,and then fight the local police.Remember France'98,Athens 2007 (scousers again),Rome 2007 (rags on Olimpico) and the list can continue.
On the continent, in most stadiums you can even take the beer with you at your seat.In England not a chance.UEFA's perception is that if you let the english fans drink at large, you'll have hell on earth.And their perception is covered by the past incidents.
Unfortunatelly the ones that suffer are the decent fans that wouldn't cause any trouble.
Didsbury Dave said:
It's truly tragic that the authorities have brainwashed some football sheep into actually believing that this is right.
I think you'll find that most people (i.e. more than half) don't really care either way and are happy to go to a pub for a pint.

It's truly tragic that some football fans still actually believe that getting pissed and then getting aggro is good banter. Unfortunately, whilst they exist, we have to suffer the consequences.

And those who do like doing that will sneak in a hip flask and get pissed anyway.
Just done a quick Google and this is what the Director of next year's European Championships, in Poland, said, while banning alcohol sales at every game:

“Alcohol and sport eliminate each other so it is logic that its selling will be limited during the EURO 2012,”

This is the organisation who take millions of pounds per year from Heinekin, and hundreds of millions of pounds from TV companies who take billions of pounds from fans sitting in pubs, bars and at home drinking alcohol.

If you think alcohol and sport elininate each other you have no understanding of football culture.

It's indicative of the slow death of the game's soul, this. Sit there and lap it up, you mugs, but remember what I told you when the game goes tits up like it nearly did 25 years ago.
baldmosher said:
And those who do like doing that will sneak in a hip flask and get pissed anyway.

So why impose this stupid rule which reduces the enjoyment of thousands of decent supporters then? Who have paid their hard-earned money to be entertained?

I still haven't heard a single person give me one reason why this should be allowed to happen.

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