Bellamy on Mancini and Robinho

Not so much Ade, but when we had Bellers and Tevez up front good things happened, just from the sheer work rate.
MELOblue said:
You do whatever Mancini say's Bellamy. If Mancini tells you to run you run. Fuck your schedule you whiny dragon. We have showed you respect as a professional performing at the highest level under Mancini! Cashing in on the mighty City and the Roberto Mancini persona. You get paid to run couldn't run so you never won honor's with Manchester City highlight of your career scoring 2 at the swamp.

Bullshit. and potentially jepordize the rest of his career? He had a programme that was finally working for him and he was certainly doing the business on the pitch.

I dont get what mancini's problem woud be. He was clearly a control freak and a bit of a tosser himself (by all accounts). Both winners though.
The few extracts of his autobiography that I've read so far have made for great reading, I might well pick up a copy for my next holiday.

However, we really should keep in mind that these are his words and not some kind of objective account of what happened. We shouldn't accept it as gospel. I mean, of course he's going to slag off Mancini - he replaced his (useless) mate Hughes.

Also, remember that if you persistently find yourself in situations of grief and conflict, chances are that you might well be the cause of it! I certainly think this applies to Bellamy. I like the guy, but he is no doubt a pain in the backside and a bit of a tool at times.

His comments about Robinho, though, are very believable.
Went to buy it at tc tonight! Not in stock anywhere. Have to admit I bought Gary Neville's. Before you all call me a rag I just enjoy reading all sporting biographies. So far he is coming across ok to be fair.
Ordered a copy of his autobiography for holiday reading for next week, hopefully it'll be an interesting read
macmanson said:
TGR said:
SWP's back said:

-- Mon Jun 03, 2013 10:49 am --

Answer the fucking question though.

Its pretty clear that Mancini had already marked Bellamy's card as trouble causing, agitiating, negative influence in the dressing room (which was correct) and decided to ship him out.
Regarding the question - with Bellamy who really knows? Was it Bellamy doing what Bellamy does best - causing trouble wherever he goes? The club doctor was in on the meeting so he would know the full extent and history of the knee problem in detail. Bellamy also goes onto say that he came into training the next day and trained anyway so just how acute was the problem?
So to briefly summarise: Bellamy was trying to take the piss (as usual) and met a manager who wasn't going to be fucked around.
Also lets not forget that Bellamy has also said in an interview since he left that he got it wrong with Mancini and 'should have tried harder'. But then again he could probably say that about the vast majority of the numerous managers he has played for down the years. A leopard doesn't change its spots and Bellamy has trouble written all over him.

Said article where Bellamy says he could have done more and actually takes responsibility for messing up his time with City.

"Mancini didn't have to persevere with me, because he could just go and get someone else and that's what happened.

"But I regret that. I could have made that work. That's one I messed up."

End of thread.
Bellers on Charlie Adam. Now THIS is gold!

bellemy was a great little player and took shit from no one on the pitch but also too gobby and head strong, the managers in charge of the running of the team,that include's bellemy who i think has very little respect for anyone in football apart from himself and it doe's my head in that player's beleive they can dictate what they do in training and think they can do what they want and i bet if bellemy ever become's a manager and a player tried doing what he did he'd probably try and kick the shit out of them, he's one of footballs character's but he's got too much to say for my liking get on with playing and shut the fuck up.
Luckyman T said:
bellemy was a great little player and took shit from no one on the pitch but also too gobby and head strong, the managers in charge of the running of the team,that include's bellemy who i think has very little respect for anyone in football apart from himself and it doe's my head in that player's beleive they can dictate what they do in training and think they can do what they want and i bet if bellemy ever become's a manager and a player tried doing what he did he'd probably try and kick the shit out of them, he's one of footballs character's but he's got too much to say for my liking get on with playing and shut the fuck up.
You bump a thread discussing Bellers that was idle for 2 days, only to say that he should "shut the fuck up"....


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