Benjamin Mendy leaves City | Launches “multi-million-pound” claim against club over unpaid wages (p118)

So the people who immediately claim the accuser in any case like this is doing it for fame and money (who hasn't been publicly named btw) are any better?

People are always going to have their biases on cases like this. It's why courts don't consult Twitter.

For the record, I hope he's genuinely innocent and hasn't just escaped on a lack of evidence.
I'd also disagree quite strongly one the "through no fault of his own".

He's not been proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, and so he gets to walk free, but lets not pretend that you can just be going about your life minding your own business and suddenly 6 different women are accuising you of 7 counts of rape, and sexual assault with enough evidence to make the police and CPS persue a case for one of the hardest to prove crimes in the book.

That's before you even go into the murky, grubby behaviour detailed during the course of the trial.
He was acquitted. He isn’t a nice guy. That’s clear. You can keep digging but it doesn’t look good on you. These cases went to court on the flimsiest of evidence. The CPS isn’t fit for purpose.
Just a short introduction to legal terms required I think ...



In short, "not guilty" is not the same as "innocent." Innocent means that a person did not commit the crime. Not guilty means that the prosecution could not prove "beyond a reasonable doubt" that a person committed the crime. Therefore, the court does not pronounce someone as “innocent” but rather “not guilty”."

From 2016?
So not guilty but not innocent in your eyes then? Who needs a justice system hey?

What a utter ridiculous statement to come out with. "Let's not get the verdict mixed up with innocence". The verdict proves exactly that. If the verdict had come back guilty, would you have said let's not get that mixed up with guilt? Idiot

Ermm he's been found innocent of rape, harming his career would be drink and drugs, not shagging?

He has not been found innocent, he's been found not guilty, quite important terms in a court of law.
From 2016?
Doesn't matter really, law goes back centuries.

Anyway this from the UK's CPS who probably know what's what ...

If a defendant is found not guilty, the case is over and they are allowed to leave the court. If they have been held in prison during the trial, they will be released immediately.

If the defendant is found not guilty, that doesn’t mean you weren’t believed or that people thought you were lying. It simply means the jury couldn’t be ‘satisfied so they were sure’ that the defendant was guilty.

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