Bernardo Silva tweet controversy

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What will it take for black people to rise above being compared to someone of past history where that person was viewed with disdain or mockery?
Sure, it’s been awful for a long period of time, but each year, we are getting better at calling out and dealing with racism. When will the tipping point be where Bernardo can liken Mendy to a cartoon character without him being accused of casual racism, rather than looking at it as him thinking that they are lookalikes?

I’m guessing that both Trump and Johnson will be famous white people who become figures of disdain and mockery and other famous people will he likened to them, no doubt. I’m also guessing that there will never be this level of discussion about it.

Probably when this shit is breeded out out people in future generations that racism and class warfare is bollocks.

And I'm not even sure I'm kidding.
What a joke how this has escalated, Everyman and his dog getting involved. Yet everyone says oh he’s not racist, then if he isnt racist why is this going any further.How can you say on one hand he’s not racist then label him one on the other. I’m sure Berny is upset enough with how this has planned out and will have learned from it. Just a bloody witch hunt, if it was a Liverpool player u bet ur bottom dollar it would not get this Much press.
You’ve answered your own question
I've commentated on media articles about Raheem and the hypocrisy.

I don't care about the communication between pals as it's their thing.

It becomes an issue if you are famous, public and have enough fans to see it. I mean if those two had a public rape joke and found it funny, would it then be seen as 'banter' between mates? What would the difference be...?

There's a greater responsibility to be had.
I don't understand how you can equate Bernardo's tweet with a rape joke.

Races exists. There is black and white and different people. We don't tackle racism by pretending races do not exist or that we don't mention black. This is tokenism, and its meaningless and ineffective. A lot of Mancs have hated Jews, Irish, and blacks over the years because there is a material basis to racism. You don't tackle these ideas by tokenism and by moderating your language.
JGB, I understand your point, but some of your examples are in private setting, not expressed to millions.
I would say that the racial slur you received has NOT been forgotten as it jarred you enough to remember it vividly and rightly so, as that was not right.
All I've been saying is that this would have been avoidable by bantering privately otherwise you drag other opinions into the mix.
It's like no one wants to hear it.
So when John Barnes says the tweet was not stereotypically racist why is he wrong?
“Why are they offended by that picture? I know the ramifications historically, I know about the cartoon, I know everything that goes on and about how black people are disenfranchised… the point I’m trying to make is we have to change the narrative.
“I should be able to look at a carton of a jet black man with big lips and not feel that is negative. Why do we feel that’s negative? Because historically that has been the narrative, but we have to change the narrative. Bernardo Silva and Benjamin Mendy are close friends off the pitch, having also played together at Monaco before joining Manchester City
“There are lots of black men who look that way, so we have to change the narrative of that being negative. We have to start saying, there’s nothing wrong about showing a cartoon, depending on the context of which you’re actually using it, of a black man with big lips, of which there are millions and there’s nothing wrong with that.
“I more than anybody else would tell you about the ills of racism and I’ll call out anybody about being racist, so I’m not defending any kind of racism. I’m talking specifically about this incident.”
I'd rather someone reveal more about themselves than they intended than stop them from expressing their view and, much worse, try to tyrranise them into silence.

So... It's okay to call someone a 'P@ki, a Ch$#k or a N##ger to your mate, rather than think in your head 'I can't say that as its wrong'?

Okay, at least we're learning something today...
I'm offended. Well not really but a more sensitive soul might be.

I am happy to retire from this debate and leave you on your largely one man crusade with the debate going around in ever decreasing circles until as the last man standing it disappears up your own orifice!
TBF I am out aswell
I think the issue is cultural context which is being lost on us in the UK. If I had tweeted a picture of Sane and the Robertsons Jam Golliwog (if it is acceptable to use such a term but that was what it was called) that would be deemed racist as its no longer acceptable in this country to portray such images. In Portugal things are obviously different as they still have such characters on their packaging. Therefore Silva clearly has been brought up with such characters and clearly did not feel he was doing anything wrong but there are people in the UK who clearly think that this is wrong.

We would not be having this debate in other countries and that is the issue do we in the UK try and educate those from other countries to what what we think is right or wrong whilst they are here or are they allowed to bring their cultural values here and adhere to them provided they dont break any laws.
You've completely lost me now, to the point where I'm not sure we're even talking about the same thing.

Earlier in the thread you said this:

There have been black people on this board who saw nothing wrong with the tweet. That isn't hypothetical. It's factual.

I'm simply asking if you find their opinion as disturbing as a white person holding the same view?

I don't get why there's an issue with what I said.

If said Black people don't mind that there's a character that's deemed as a 'spear chucker' (regardless of it's just his face shown) that is held publicly about a friend, then that's on them.

I haven't witnessed such a statement, so I'm sure you'll throw some quotes my way.

You've completely lost me now, to the point where I'm not sure we're even talking about the same thing.

Earlier in the thread you said this:

There have been black people on this board who saw nothing wrong with the tweet. That isn't hypothetical. It's factual.

I'm simply asking if you find their opinion as disturbing as a white person holding the same view?

matey there is nothing wrong with the tweet and if mendy is ok with its end of story ?? nobody should get involved but the witch hunt being lead by the media is the problem, the so called joke and its not a racist remark made by B.silva its clear a witch hunt is on the cards and unsettle the club and player and manager

its daft of silva and the joke should not be posted on tweeter, but he is not racist in any way and that goes for the club and pep and tarnish somebody with that tag needs a strong back up and a court of law not a shity skysport witch hunt who in my book are the ones throwing stones in glass houses


defending the truth that he called somebody on a football field ????????????????????????
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