Bernardo Silva tweet controversy

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I am on record here saying he was stupid posting the tweet and now this video which sounds even more idiotic than the tweet. I am surprised if this has been out there for a year they have only just mentioned it now but I guess they have started digging. Not for one second do I believe Bernardo is racist but I guess the club are having some serious words with the players behind the scenes now on the dangers of social media and the consequences. A bit like shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted but hey ho.

Not a defence but some countries in Europe like Spain and Italy seem a bit behind the UK in racial awareness, maybe in Portugal such banter is deemed funny and acceptable?

Anyway it is what it is as Pep says, the player and club have to take it on the chin I'm afraid.

Its pretty clear that he is not racist is it not? his best mate is black. Yet he is being called out as being racist and is likely to be punished as one. On that basis were Bernado to be partial to jelly babies and post on social media that Mendy was a dead man if he nicked any he should be done for murder. It really is getting ridiculous. Like myself Bernado is 5,6 had had Mendy posted online that Bernado resembled a garden gnome or a dwarf would he be dragged over the coals for offending dwarfs? Would he fuck. Racial awareness course, six game ban...absolute load of bollocks it is, nothing more nothing less.
British press demonstrating just how much they despise us again today. City need to toughen up and put a few of those charlatans in their place.
I am on record here saying he was stupid posting the tweet and now this video which sounds even more idiotic than the tweet. I am surprised if this has been out there for a year they have only just mentioned it now but I guess they have started digging. Not for one second do I believe Bernardo is racist but I guess the club are having some serious words with the players behind the scenes now on the dangers of social media and the consequences. A bit like shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted but hey ho.

Not a defence but some countries in Europe like Spain and Italy seem a bit behind the UK in racial awareness, maybe in Portugal such banter is deemed funny and acceptable?

Anyway it is what it is as Pep says, the player and club have to take it on the chin I'm afraid.
This is just another example of the “woke” world.Atweet between two friends, the person who was not offended, why can someone else be offended, we hav3 to stand up against this pc crap.there is many examples of racism which is hurtful and should be stamped out, but this is just some zealous activist stirring the pot.the FA , to be seen to be doing something(which they shouldn’t really feel the need to) should just give a warning.we are heading towards”1984” more and more, can’t believe we cop it sweet.utter shit.
John Terry copped a 4 game ban for racially abusing Anton Ferdinand in 2012. Looking back at that case now, Terry’s language warranted a severe punishment, as he called Anton a ‘ c....

In this case Bernardo deleted the tweet and has showed contrition with a written apology to the FA.

If the FA then chooses to ban him for 6 games, then truly the punishment does not fit the crime.

I think it’s more likely he’ll be fined and instructed to attend some sort of course.
This is just another example of the “woke” world.Atweet between two friends, the person who was not offended, why can someone else be offended, we hav3 to stand up against this pc crap.there is many examples of racism which is hurtful and should be stamped out, but this is just some zealous activist stirring the pot.the FA , to be seen to be doing something(which they shouldn’t really feel the need to) should just give a warning.we are heading towards”1984” more and more, can’t believe we cop it sweet.utter shit.

As I have said in one of my earlier posts a lot of good things start off meaning well and doing great work, but the pendulum often swings too far one way and a lot of zealots jump aboard and do the cause more harm than good, intentional or not.

The problem is Bernardo's tweet wasn't just a joke between two friends. Once he made it public it was seen by his followers, Mendy s followers and anyone who follows those followers and on and on. A huge potential audience, not all of whom will like MCFC or anyone who plays for them and will jump upon such to cause a shit storm, which is exactly what has happened.
with the whole situation as it is, a question? what shows societies more racist attitude, bernados tweet, or being offended by bernados tweet, (as which mendy wasn't)
Lets face it Bernardo was stupid to think this was just going to be between him and Mendy once he hit the post button.
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