I"d commend his autobiography Steppes to Wembley (2nd hand copy available here https://www.abebooks.co.uk/servlet/...ppes+to+wembley&cm_sp=snippet-_-srp1-_-image2) - we've got a signed copy he gave to my Dad when Bert was in hospital & its a good readIf you've not already done so, Trautmann's Journey is a fascinating read.
As well as being a City legend, according the club site he was also the first person in the UK to wear adidas by virtue of his friendship with Adi Dassler. Bert Trautmann: a brilliant keeper, as hard as nails, a reconciler of people and to top it off the original casual!
It was in the foyer of the small block at the main site entrance off Ashton New Road.where is that statue?