Besieged and sick of it

TFC said:
I was extremely jealous of Chelsea when Roman took over and spent a fortune on class players. Their fans (quite rightly) adopted a fuck 'em mentality when dealing with bitter fans from other clubs.

Now we have won the equivalent of the football lottery, we have no real choice but to do exactly the same. Fuck 'em.

This. The rag fans did it too. Back then they were accused of buying success and because (Blackburn apart, but they faded as quickly as they appeared) the so-called 'sugar daddy' phenomenon was unheard of back then, they didn't have the easy deflection of saying ''oh but at least OUR money is 'self-generated', look over THERE at that lot instead!'' back then.

It's just a siege mentality. Everyone from the fans to the players has to develop one.

These people are easily shut up by sustained success on the pitch. The flack they give Chelsea has reduced tenfold in the last few years.

In short, head down, stick two fingers up at them and get on with winning things to shove down their throats. Because on the plus side, one thing's for sure......all these people are making our eventual success much, much sweeter. Which is nice of them.
LoveCity said:
Every website I visit, the comment section of every City story is absolutely bombarded by pure, almost psychotic venom from fans of other Premier League clubs. Anyone who tries to discuss City reasonably is either ignored or jumped on by frothing bitter fans who remind me of a witch hunt party with pitchforks.

I remember Chelsea getting angry reactions when they spent for fun but I don't remember it with this sort of intensity. Things like City's long wait for success, the suffering of the fans, the continuing links to the community (unlike Brandchester United), they are completely disregarded as people (and newspapers) attack us.

It's easy to say "ignore it" but anyone who goes in search of news will find it difficult. From the media hacks who invent or spin stories to attack us to the sheep who believe it all to people commenting casually on Twitter about us "buying football", the only way to avoid the anti-City fury is by doing a self-imposed blackout of all footballing websites and media outlets.

I think even Garry Cook noticed it as in the OS video about the club's charitable work in New York, he makes a slightly overlooked comment to the American headteacher about contacting the British press.

TBF, I'm sick of it. I visit several City forums and many of them are infiltrated regularly by fans of other clubs who spew the same old rubbish. This is one of maybe a couple that manages to avoid it, although we do get an occasional WUM/rag or other here for a rise. As for the media bile, it's disappointing the club itself ignores it when at least a few of the articles I've seen written are could at least be considered as slanderous and legal action could be taken by our club.

We MUST make an impact somehow this year or everything these horrible, snide, bitter people are saying about City will somehow be justified. Right now, I'm not sure if a football club has ever been so besieged. CTID.

You are exactly right, had to remove a Villa fan on FB the other day cause i've watched him for a year slagging us off and the latest comment was something about the Reserves being changed to the 'Elite Development Unit' or something along those lines and he posted that off our website as 'the latest innovation from the chavs who won the lottery'. What a pr!ck.

The witchhunt is annoying but a fact of life unfortunately. You would think fans of most other clubs would actually welcome someone trying to break the top 4 but evidently not.
All that typing must tire them they could just cut and paste this

1) They are buying average rubbish players.
2) If they want him we should ask for £50 million + Ireland/Richards.
3) They will be in trouble when their owners get bored.
4) They have no history.
5) We have built slowly.

Plus any player they sell to us immediately becomes rubbish and can be replaced at the local job centre for minimum wage.

He He let's ram our good fortune down their throats.

I'm not really arsed, but it does get boring when you hear the same ill-informed rantings over and over again.
I remember when I was at Uni and I was there with people from all over Britain, Ireland and further afield. We were shit then but everyone I knew - who may have been Rags (mostly Irish and Cockneys), Liverpool fans (all Irish), Spurs fans, Newcastle fans and Villa fans - all said they hated City. Not like many have thought that we were everybodies second team or that they admired us for our attendances in Div 2, they didn't!

The jibes I used to get then were things along the lines of us thinking we were a big club and having a big club mentality/chip on our shoulder - like we deserved better than Div 2 and Div 1 just because we were Man City - when we were shit and hadn't won anything for years!

And now, we're no longer shit - although we still have been on a fair few occasions in recent years - we're still hated and given shit!

What does my head in now is that the media were more balanced in their view on us, they were even kind to us at times, back then. Whereas now they are ridiculously fuckin over the top in their over-criticism and negativity! It does frustrate me, but then I try and take myself away from it all - I never buy newspapers at all, I'll turn FiveLive/TalkSport/SSN/whatever off if they start with their negativity etc.

What is sad to see is that the people who are so unintelegent, impressionable fools who have just been brainwashed into thinking we're bad for football and just followed everyone else with their bitter and really over the top attacks on us, the fans! Like it's us who've been spending the money! We're hated for something out of our control, I don't get that (apart from when we sing "we'll buy your club and burn it down!")!

I suppose it's just bitter jealousy!
This is a lot better than being a mid-table team.
Used to enjoy the respect we got from opposing fans about being loyal when we were shit. The reason we kept going was for the times we are about to enjoy.

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