Besieged and sick of it

Talkshite is a commercial radio station, it relies on listeners calling into their phone lines and advertising revenue to remain on the air, advertising revenue is worked out by the amount of listeners it has. Turn it off and dont give them your dosh (either directly or indirectly).
$ky sports is a commercial TV station, it relies on subscriptions and advertising revenue for its dosh, their advertising revenue is also based on the amount of people the advertising can reach, bin it, dont give them your dosh.
Newspapers rely on sales of their papers and advertising revenue, their advertising revenue depends on the amount of hits to their websites and sales of their papers, dont buy their papers, dont log onto their websites, dont give them your dosh.
The above three print, read or talk a load of bull about our club, the OS gives the proper version of events when they are finalised. use it as your source of knowledge about MCFC and you will be a lot less stressed.
sam221985 said:
TFC said:
I was extremely jealous of Chelsea when Roman took over and spent a fortune on class players. Their fans (quite rightly) adopted a fuck 'em mentality when dealing with bitter fans from other clubs.

Now we have won the equivalent of the football lottery, we have no real choice but to do exactly the same. Fuck 'em.

This. The rag fans did it too. Back then they were accused of buying success and because (Blackburn apart, but they faded as quickly as they appeared) the so-called 'sugar daddy' phenomenon was unheard of back then, they didn't have the easy deflection of saying ''oh but at least OUR money is 'self-generated', look over THERE at that lot instead!'' back then.

It's just a siege mentality. Everyone from the fans to the players has to develop one.

These people are easily shut up by sustained success on the pitch. The flack they give Chelsea has reduced tenfold in the last few years.

In short, head down, stick two fingers up at them and get on with winning things to shove down their throats. Because on the plus side, one thing's for sure......all these people are making our eventual success much, much sweeter. Which is nice of them.

I didn't mind Chelsea getting their money, I actually quite liked it that someone now could seriously have a sustained challenge against the Rag monopoly at the top!

It was when Mourinho went there that I changed my view on Chelsea! His anti-football tactics, players surrounding the ref at every opportunity, their players constantly diving and feignig injury, their players winding up the opposition, their players winding up anyone and everything, Mourinho thinking that he was some sort of God when the reality was and still is that in football terms he's deficient - in gamesmanship and stopping the oppositions football he and his teams are the best! But I hope that he fails at Madrid like I think he will! The Realistas will not stand for his antics and i think he'll be out within 18-24months, even if he wins a treble for them, they won't stand for boring football!

And d'ya know when he left Chelsea, the players I thought I hated I realised, especially under Hidink, that i actually admired and I honestly quite liked Chelsea then!

It's not like City are anything like that! We've got quite likable players even for opposing fans, we play in a good spirit and our manager is a sound cool as fuck
mo fo!
bluetoo said:
TBH I love it....Bring it on!!

I'm with you.

We can't expect anyone to be fawning over us who doesn't support us. And besides, we've done nowt yet.

We're getting the same sort of press coverage the rags have had for years but, unlike them, most of ours is derogatory. They dealt with it with their famed 'siege mentality' - maybe we'll have to do the same?
LoveCity said:
Every website I visit, the comment section of every City story is absolutely bombarded by pure, almost psychotic venom from fans of other Premier League clubs. Anyone who tries to discuss City reasonably is either ignored or jumped on by frothing bitter fans who remind me of a witch hunt party with pitchforks.

I remember Chelsea getting angry reactions when they spent for fun but I don't remember it with this sort of intensity. Things like City's long wait for success, the suffering of the fans, the continuing links to the community (unlike Brandchester United), they are completely disregarded as people (and newspapers) attack us.

It's easy to say "ignore it" but anyone who goes in search of news will find it difficult. From the media hacks who invent or spin stories to attack us to the sheep who believe it all to people commenting casually on Twitter about us "buying football", the only way to avoid the anti-City fury is by doing a self-imposed blackout of all footballing websites and media outlets.

I think even Garry Cook noticed it as in the OS video about the club's charitable work in New York, he makes a slightly overlooked comment to the American headteacher about contacting the British press.

TBF, I'm sick of it. I visit several City forums and many of them are infiltrated regularly by fans of other clubs who spew the same old rubbish. This is one of maybe a couple that manages to avoid it, although we do get an occasional WUM/rag or other here for a rise. As for the media bile, it's disappointing the club itself ignores it when at least a few of the articles I've seen written are could at least be considered as slanderous and legal action could be taken by our club.

We MUST make an impact somehow this year or everything these horrible, snide, bitter people are saying about City will somehow be justified. Right now, I'm not sure if a football club has ever been so besieged. CTID.

Oh yerr, I preferred it when people laughed at us for being a comedy club.....
I can't turn on the radio without City being discussed endlessly on every football show.

The whole nation is now obsessed with City just like I;ve always been. It's great and it's how it should be.
I've not read all 3 pages, so my comments may have been covered. Some of us need to grow a thicker skin. This kind of venom is always going to be directed at us from now on in. Lets be honest, the money we've spent over the last couple of years is obscene, and I'm including the wages. However, we didn't start it. The Rags have been doing it for years, so I'm not really bothered about any of it.

However, what I do care about is the negative press we get from Sky and the tabloids. This is something the club needs to sort out. The Rags hardly ever get a bad press, and that is nothing to do with the press being Rags, it is all down to very good planning. Cook needs to sort this out very, very soon. They should be giving freebie seats on planes to a shit load of journalists, including Talkshite. Some of you won't agree with this, but when it comes to building a good corporate image, we need to spend a bit of dosh.
I wrote this on another forum, which is what I tend to feel about it:

Ruining Football stuff

I can never take people seriously who say this (nothing personal). It shows a complete and utter lack of knowledge about the history of the game in all of its forms.

Want to know who ruined football? Preston, Billy Meredith (ex-City but at United at the time), and Middlesborough. Man United and Liverpool didn't help (neither did Jimmy Hill), but we'll forget them for a bit.

Preston (and many other clubs) used to engage in a trade known as shamatuerism. This is at a time where all footballers were gentlemen amateurs and the FA had declared paying players illegal and against the spirit of the game. Local teams for local gents, so to speak. Unfortunately, the Northern clubs at the time were trying to compete with the dominance of the Oxbridge set and engaged in this shamatuerism. This was the practice of inviting excellent players (most of whom were Scottish) to live within the certain radius of the clubs, and find them 'jobs' at the club to pay them. They would be paid several quid a week for doing nothing and hold a pretty title to get around the ruleset. I seem to recall reading that it was Preston who got caught out doing this, though the practice was fairly widespread; so widespread in fact that the FA finally relented and declared it legal to trade players despite a lobby from a huge group of people who declared it human trafficking.

Billy Meredith was a legendary winger in Manchester, as he played for both halves of the City to great success. He was actually born in Wales, started at City, was a winger with the "Welsh Wizard" nickname, was a very highly respected pro and one of the first football superstars who moved to United. He was basically Ryan Giggs of his day.
Meredith was accused of match fixing whilst playing for City after he tried to bribe a Villa player £10 to lose the match. Subsequently, the FA banned him from playing for City.
After Meredith left, he spoke out of a practice that was going on at City which was, again, widespread in football and was putting additions on to the £4 weekly wage of players. It was actually the first performance related bonus of it's time.
Anyway, Meredith moved over to United, and as City had just been nailed to the wall, had their team disbanded, their whole board banned and being relegated, everybody soon stopped with the performance bonuses. However, Meredith was always a standout performer so took his bonus for granted. He had gone from earning around £5 a week, to earning £4 (the max wage at the time). Due to this, he and a group of UNited players banded together, called themselves "The Outcasts" and went on strike. This was actually an early precursor to the PFA, and it's single issue was the removal of the £4 a week wage cap. Just a quick thing actually, when the FA banned players from being able to join this Union, every Villa player immediately resigned and wrote a public letter stating that they wouldn't rejoin until given permission by the FA to do so.
The Outcasts were eventually victorious in changing the wage structure and the FA allowed the Union to be a part of the game. This was mainly down to the influence of both Meredith as it's Chair and John Davis who was United's 'sugar daddy' at the time.
John Davis ran a few breweries in Manchester and had originally watched the precursor to United (Newton Heath) fall flat into bankruptcy, despite a hefty donation at the time from Man City (who pre '58 were the bigger club). Out of Newton Heath came United, and Davis set about buying all of the top players in Britain before they were even admitted to the Football League. A good comparison, would be Burton Albion paying £150m for Wayne Rooney now.
Anyway, thanks to Davies and Meredith, the concept of the power being in the hands of the FA dissolved in front of them. Due to this incident, the power was now in the hands of the Chairmen and players of the clubs.

The Middlesborough link is a fairly short aside. Despite facing relegation and being nowhere near the top clubs in England, Boro went out and became the first club to pay £1000 for a player in Alf Commons. Funnily enough, people used to complain that Boro had no prestige and the transfer shouldn't have been allowed as it was ruining football. This was in 1905, how much we have evolved over the past century.

So, if you believe that player power and wages have ruined the game, blame Meredith, if you believe that Sugar Daddies have ruined the game, blame Davis/United, if you believe that transfer fees have ruined the game, blame Preston or Middlesborough.

Personally, I don't believe that football is ruined or dead at all, and it's a bit funny that you see old articles from the 20's about the exact same subject, with the same melodramatic headlines.
With the money that has come into City, absolutely nothing has changed apart from the fact that an extra club is in or around the battle for the CL spots. Football runs in cycles, and eventually every empire crumbles. The natural order of this was to be beaten by a better team, though the payments and gates from the CL places has stopped this and allowed some of them to consolidate a powerbase. It seems that though other teams used to crumble empires, they will now do it themselves with debt.

There's also the issue of FIFA or UEFA ruining football through their eventual plans for the homegrown rule. This makes it possible that English players are hugely more expensive than their foreign counterparts and only the richest clubs can afford to take that hit. Therefore, outside the big four you can either spend money to buy English to meet their rules, or you can buy foreign, save yourself some money and have to sell your best players when it comes to registering your squad.

As I say, all of these melodramatic "death of football/ruining football" talk is a little bit shortsighted, and actually quite funny.


My history may be a little off in places as I was pretty drunk when I wrote it and without access to any Gary James books, but I'm sure I got the general gist of it all right.
make the most of it, its great, all the media talking about us, city is on every 1s lips whether they like it or not, all we need now is to prove ourselves next season and it will shut them up

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