Best 5 Films you have ever seen?

Lets not forget foreign cinema, with some of my best i've seen being

Crouching tiger hidden dragon
7 samurai/13 assassins
Let the right one in
In the mood for love

And animated

I mean the Toy Story trilogy is near flawless
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The Usual Suspects
Pulp Fiction
Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind

Special mentions too Die Hard, Inception, Shutter Island, The Illusionist, Wonderboys, Curse of the Golden Flower and Dog Day Afternoon (pretty much all of Pacino’s earlier work).
Movies are popping into my head all the time now that I think others should add to their lists.

If you've not seen "A Christmas Story" watch it with your kids over the holidays. It is amazing how famous it is in the US and unknown in the UK. (As far as I could tell anyhow)

Another few greats were ...
Hope and Glory
About a Boy
The Mission
The Last Emperor
Stand By Me (Although many have this in their list already)
Life is beautiful
...and as sad as it was to watch ...The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
Silverado (more from when I was a kid)

Netflix has some excellent foreign action movies that if English would be on many of our top 5 lists I
Myn Bala
Kung Fu Hustle
War of The Arrows
When the Last Sword is Drawn
Mulan: Rise of a Warrior
The Warrior
The Warlords
The Good, the Bad, the Weird
Saving General Yang
Three Kingdoms
Arn (only one not Eastern)
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Movies are popping into my head all the time now that I think others should add to their lists.

If you've not seen "A Christmas Story" watch it with your kids over the holidays. It is amazing how famous it is in the US and unknown in the UK. (As far as I could tell anyhow)

Another few greats were ...
Hope and Glory
About a Boy
The Mission
The Last Emperor
Stand By Me (Although many have this in their list already)
Life is beautiful
...and as sad as it was to watch ...The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
Silverado (more from when I was a kid)

Netflix has some excellent foreign action movies that if English would be on many of our top 5 lists I
Myn Bala
Kung Fu Hustle
War of The Arrows
When the Last Sword is Drawn
Mulan: Rise of a Warrior
The Warrior
The Warlords
The Good, the Bad, the Weird
Saving General Yang
Three Kingdoms
Arn (only one not Eastern)

Completely agree on A Christmas Story.

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Do The Right Thing
North by Northwest
This Is Spinal Tap

That's a very different list than my 5 favorite films, except for Spinal Tap. I tend towards comedies (often mindless ones) to watch over and over that I'd term "favorites."

The above five films are, I think, genius in their own way and for their own reasons, but I'm not always in the mood to watch them.
Even though I'm a comedy fan,I watched way to many list would be,
City of God,
God father all of them,but the first is best,
Basketball Diaries,
Blazing saddles,life of Brian has to be seen,
Bitter blood,True story scared me for life that one being about 10 buying dodgy video tapes from a back of a booth of a car what did i expect other than a kidnapping.
Back to the Future (all of them)
Field of Dreams
Dead Poets
Holy Grail

There are others I could put but these for now

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