Best Lyric Writers of the last 50 Years

Elbow beards said:
tonea2003 said:
Elbow beards said:
He wrote it but the lyrics first mentioned are the McColl version, you put me on the pill

there not mate they are on billys lifes a riot spy v spy album from 83 kirsty macoll was in 1984

there is a slight lyric change though
billy says "they put you on the pill"
where as kirsty says "you put me on the pill"
Ye that's what I'm saying if you read the original post that's what he wrote, just being pedantic really :)

fair enough mate, fantastic lyricist in any case
tonea2003 said:
Elbow beards said:
tonea2003 said:
there not mate they are on billys lifes a riot spy v spy album from 83 kirsty macoll was in 1984

there is a slight lyric change though
billy says "they put you on the pill"
where as kirsty says "you put me on the pill"
Ye that's what I'm saying if you read the original post that's what he wrote, just being pedantic really :)

fair enough mate, fantastic lyricist in any case

acquiesce said:
mrtwiceaseason said:
My alll time favourite lyric is
I put you on a pedestal
You put me on the pill
Anyone guess the song ?

Billy Bragg song......can't think of which one. A New England?
An even cleverer lyric .didn't realise kirsty had changed it.sums up a total misunderstanding of what someone thinks is going on in a relationship brilliant !can anyone post the video up please ?
ifiwasarichfan said:
Weller and Morrissey.
Weller summed up being a teenager in the late 70's/ early 80's. I guess it depends on your age, but his lyrics were immense and so spot on.

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