Best player at the club?

sput the wonder pig said:
Feed-The-Goat said:
now thats why i hardly ever venture over this side. I prefer to be safe in off topic where its quiet, and i havent seen you in there for a while also, have you set up shop permanently in here.

off topic could do with being spiced up a bit, its gone lets say "miserable" just recently :(

well dont come on here with your misery !!!!!!! ;-)

haha! i dont, but i didnt expect you to turn on me......

thats it!

*toddles off back to off topic*
kippaxwarrior said:
forward/skill Robinho
midfield Barry
defence Toure
goalkeeper Given

most important player this season- Barry
Forward - Robinho
Midfeild - Ireland
Defence - Toure
Keeper - Given (obviously)

But THE best (on his day) has to be Robinho, and this season I think he will be better because weve got better players around him now, and thats what he seems to enjoy (Brazil)
For me Robinho is the most talented and on his day has the biggest impact on the side. Close 2nd goes to either Tevez or, maybe surprisingly, Adebayor. His timing of the dribble and sheer strength/pace are massively underrated and I can't wait to see him this season.

On a less positive note, I think De Jong needs to up his game tenfold this season otherwise he could prove to be an expensive flop. £18M for a player who "does the basics well", but on the whole has done ONLY the basics and misplaces passes to the opposition far too regularly.
Goalkeeper- Given
Defender- Nedum/Toure
Midfileder- Ireland
Attacker- Robinho

So many other players that could be in there:

De Jong
Garry.Cook said:
For me Robinho is the most talented and on his day has the biggest impact on the side. Close 2nd goes to either Tevez or, maybe surprisingly, Adebayor. His timing of the dribble and sheer strength/pace are massively underrated and I can't wait to see him this season.

On a less positive note, I think De Jong needs to up his game tenfold this season otherwise he could prove to be an expensive flop. £18M for a player who "does the basics well", but on the whole has done ONLY the basics and misplaces passes to the opposition far too regularly.

good points mate

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