Bet with a rag friend

Had a bet with my rag barber that city would win the league earlier in the season. I got a free haircut if we won or I'd have to pay double for a cut if we lost. Claimed my free cut yesterday, most enjoyable haircut I've ever had :)
JustAnotherCityFan said:
Had a bet with my rag barber that city would win the league earlier in the season. I got a free haircut if we won or I'd have to pay double for a cut if we lost. Claimed my free cut yesterday, most enjoyable haircut I've ever had :)

Check the back of your head in a mirror
Miester said:
der bomber28 said:
I have a bet, if we do the double over them again this season. I get to take the rags lovely Spanish girlfriend, up the chocolate ship canal. I haven't asked him yet though. ;0)

Err does she have an opinion on this!?? :)

When have you ever known a woman not have an opinion?
Rag and Friend ? does that happen where you live ?? It's not allowed where I come from ! and shouldn't happen least don't admit to it in public anyway.......secret affairs are semi acceptable........
Well that went very well! To be fair he took it all quite well, although as each goal went in I think my comments of "well imagine if goal difference came into it" got to him slightly.
stony said:
Miester said:
der bomber28 said:
I have a bet, if we do the double over them again this season. I get to take the rags lovely Spanish girlfriend, up the chocolate ship canal. I haven't asked him yet though. ;0)

Err does she have an opinion on this!?? :)

When have you ever known a woman not have an opinion?

When have you ever known a man to give a shit?

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