Re: BIG....................mind blowingly BIG....
I get it now. The universe is bigger than anything on Earth, right, and because we are so hard and mental everyone else is running away from us like real fast.
So all you brainy educated people what come on here with your explanations of red dwafs and black holes are missing the point, innit.
The universe aint gonna take no shit right, and because it's all running away in different dirctions, to confuse the police helicoper an' all, and the universe is so big, every little grain of dust will be so far away, it won't be able to get on it's mobile and say, like, hey. I'm 'avin' a party tonight, come on over with yer bitches, like.
So it all goes cold and lifeless cos they can't communicate, they lose touch, and they drift aparet, and nothing will bring them back together, and it's a real bummer.
Like, the universe is dying man, and that's the way it is. All shit and that.