You are misunderstanding, Trump has been banned, fine OK.
People then want full clarification of the reasons from the tech company involved. The company then lists its COC and specifies the reasons and their rules, again, fair enough, as many people have said, it's their bat and ball, they can do as they wish.
When those rules are not being applied across the many infringements that are
on their site, many openly advocating murder, death and destruction, then, understandably, they will be accused of censoring what they personally dislike,
and citing the rules becomes a flippant dismissal that will, again not go down too well. They're saying, by their inaction, that it's only what they don't like that gets banned, and again, there's nothing anyone can do about it.
Twitter stock has dropped, I believe this will hurt them, millions will/are switching to other platforms, which is another discussion.