Bin men

Tragic meat van guy said:
ifiwasarichfan said:
I will see you a Bin man and raise with a Doctor's receptionist.

Every single one of them trained at woman School.

WHY IS THIS??? I thought it was just ours.

Horrible, snooty, nosey, deliberatly awkward annoying piss bags.

When you have to go, the girls on the desk at the dentists are sound (even though I am miserable as fuck every time I have to go there)
We have just got a puppy and me and mrs tragic took him to the vets for his 1st jab on Tuesday, They were fucking amazing on reception, at 1st I thought it was cos we have the cutest dog in the world but whilst we waited the more people that came in, they knew EVERY person and EVERY PET TOO! and were happy to see everyone
I even said to the mrs at the time how much nicer an experience it was compared to the human docs.

I just dont get it with doctor receptionists, my doctor is lovely maybe i'll have to ask her.

Just remind us how much you were paying mate;)
I just put my bins out on the pavement full, and bring them back in empty, never found or had the need to speak/socialise to any of them.
Ours last year was fucking awful. Wouldn't take it if the lid was even close to not being closed all the way. Left a fucking note when I put a plastic bag full of recycling in the recycling bin letting me know that was unacceptable. Told someone( I don't even know who, but the home owner we rented from said someone called him about it) when I crushed up a tv box and put it in the recycling. I don't even know why thats wrong! Worst human being on earth, though I guess if I worked in that area id be a prick too.
jacko74 said:
Binmen are the last great bastion of arrogant, petty-minded, socialist, public sector 'workers' who wouldn't know what a full days work is if it slapped them in the face.

Sooner they all get contracted out the better.

I don't know where you live, but I think you'll probably find that refuse collection was outsourced many years ago.

The seeming pettiness of what they can and can't take is down to the private company's contract with the council. At point of tender they will have specified exactly what they would agree to collect and the times at which it will be done. Staffing, equipment and time management will be built around these very specific details in order to ensure that the private company can make a profit from the rounds.

Management at these companies will then inform the binmen EXACTLY what they can and can't collect, in line with maintaining a profit for the service. The binmen, who were previously employed by the council will now probably be on a lower wage, with no security and almost certainly no pension or benefits. In fact, they are probably penalised for not completing rounds on time or for collecting too much, all of which would eat into the precious profit.

So, what's at fault here is the fact that its another public SERVICE that has been outsourced to the lowest bidder, who in turn is concerned with turning a profit rather than providing a SERVICE for the benefit of all. Of course, this outsourcing will have been sold to the public as a way of "increasing efficiency" and "choice" for citizens. But in the end, the only winners are the owners of the private company who turn a profit.

So please turn your anger towards the cnuts who continue to advocate turning all of our services into profit making vehicles for private enterprise. Don't take it out on your fellow workers, whose working conditions will now undoubtedly be much less secure than when employed by the council.

Some things are PUBLIC SERVICES and as such should be run appropriately. Not everything can be sold off and run at a profit in the name of choice and enterprise. Because in the end, its citizens like you and me who end up worse off.

Rant over

No6 said:
kenzie115 said:
Anyone think No6 might work for the council / public sector?

LOL, I see your line of thinking but I can tell you that I work in the private sector my friend :)

Makes your rant even more impressive ;)

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