Bin men

Gaylord du Bois said:
de niro said:
was thinking the same op. bunch of *****. park the lorry right in the middle of the road just so they don't break a nail or something whilst WHEELING the bin to the truck. bless.
A bit like blue badge holders really.

double yellow lines are there to keep traffic flowing and to avoid an obstruction. does a blue make the car invisible or shink to the size of a pea? does it fuck.
I did some work recently with bin men in Cumbria and I found them to be hard working, motivated and genuinely committed to good customer service.

The only thing they didn't do was sprout politically correct bullshit.
de niro said:
Gaylord du Bois said:
A bit like blue badge holders really.
double yellow lines are there to keep traffic flowing and to avoid an obstruction. does a blue make the car invisible or shink to the size of a pea? does it fuck.

Hope you never have to drive around my Dad's car, after he's used his blue badge on double yellows. I recently had to sit as a passenger when he 'nipped' into the doctor's surgery. Some of the most embarrassing minutes of my existence.

(Come to think of it, most of my embarrassing/scary moments as a passenger have been when Dad's been in charge of the car...)
another generation said:
de niro said:
Gaylord du Bois said:
A bit like blue badge holders really.
double yellow lines are there to keep traffic flowing and to avoid an obstruction. does a blue make the car invisible or shink to the size of a pea? does it fuck.

Hope you never have to drive around my Dad's car, after he's used his blue badge on double yellows. I recently had to sit as a passenger when he 'nipped' into the doctor's surgery. Some of the most embarrassing minutes of my existence.

(Come to think of it, most of my embarrassing/scary moments as a passenger have been when Dad's been in charge of the car...)

To be fair its not the badge holder I have issue with. Its the inconsistency that makes OK for one car to be there yet not others. Both are in the way.
Tragic meat van guy said:
ifiwasarichfan said:
I will see you a Bin man and raise with a Doctor's receptionist.

Every single one of them trained at woman School.

WHY IS THIS??? I thought it was just ours.

Horrible, snooty, nosey, deliberatly awkward annoying piss bags.

When you have to go, the girls on the desk at the dentists are sound (even though I am miserable as fuck every time I have to go there)
We have just got a puppy and me and mrs tragic took him to the vets for his 1st jab on Tuesday, They were fucking amazing on reception, at 1st I thought it was cos we have the cutest dog in the world but whilst we waited the more people that came in, they knew EVERY person and EVERY PET TOO! and were happy to see everyone
I even said to the mrs at the time how much nicer an experience it was compared to the human docs.

I just dont get it with doctor receptionists, my doctor is lovely maybe i'll have to ask her.
May have to do with the fact your paying?
No6 said:
jacko74 said:
Binmen are the last great bastion of arrogant, petty-minded, socialist, public sector 'workers' who wouldn't know what a full days work is if it slapped them in the face.

Sooner they all get contracted out the better.

I don't know where you live, but I think you'll probably find that refuse collection was outsourced many years ago.

The seeming pettiness of what they can and can't take is down to the private company's contract with the council. At point of tender they will have specified exactly what they would agree to collect and the times at which it will be done. Staffing, equipment and time management will be built around these very specific details in order to ensure that the private company can make a profit from the rounds.

Management at these companies will then inform the binmen EXACTLY what they can and can't collect, in line with maintaining a profit for the service. The binmen, who were previously employed by the council will now probably be on a lower wage, with no security and almost certainly no pension or benefits. In fact, they are probably penalised for not completing rounds on time or for collecting too much, all of which would eat into the precious profit.

So, what's at fault here is the fact that its another public SERVICE that has been outsourced to the lowest bidder, who in turn is concerned with turning a profit rather than providing a SERVICE for the benefit of all. Of course, this outsourcing will have been sold to the public as a way of "increasing efficiency" and "choice" for citizens. But in the end, the only winners are the owners of the private company who turn a profit.

So please turn your anger towards the cnuts who continue to advocate turning all of our services into profit making vehicles for private enterprise. Don't take it out on your fellow workers, whose working conditions will now undoubtedly be much less secure than when employed by the council.

Some things are PUBLIC SERVICES and as such should be run appropriately. Not everything can be sold off and run at a profit in the name of choice and enterprise. Because in the end, its citizens like you and me who end up worse off.

Rant over


It is absolutely guaranteed that every time the bin men visit the cul de sac where I live, after they have left there will always be rubbish left on the road and why can they not leave the bins at the end of the drive they came from, rather than just strewn about the road?
zisisfutbol said:
They always seem to have utter contempt for the job; it's as if they feel they are doing you a favour by taking your rubbish (similar in attitude to bus drivers)

My bin men only have to load the wheelie bin onto the truck - so it's not like they even have to get their hands dirty - yet when that arduous 10 second task is complete they sling the wheelie bin asunder so it ends up in a haphazard position. I'm not suggesting they gently caress said wheelie bin back into its position - but you get what I'm saying.
I know what you mean mate,I forgot to put my bin out and missed the collection,stood at the bus stop for an hour then three buses came at once,not one of the miserable sods would stop off at the tip whilst I emptied my bin.
sir baconface said:
jacko74 said:
Binmen are the last great bastion of arrogant, petty-minded, socialist, public sector 'workers' who wouldn't know what a full days work is if it slapped them in the face.

If only this were true.

If only they were working for a private company ;) Viva Veolia , for just over £7 an hour we get what we deserve

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