Bitter ex players, trust and money...

i see skies of blue

Well-Known Member
25 Apr 2008
half way between the gutter and the stars
Here's a little thing I've been mulling over recently..

A number of ex players have been quoted in interviews as not enjoying their time at City over the past few years since the takeover. Dunne, Ireland, Onuoha, Petrov and now Benjani (in todays MEN), amongst others, have talked amongst other things about: the individual mentality of the players, no team ethic/poor atmosphere, money being the motivating factor, lack of communication, trust ect. I'm sure more will be said on this matter by Robinho in time, and Bellamy would no doubt mouth off too if we hadn't paid him off. There are other players saying they'll leave if they don't play (Given, Hart, Adebayor ect)

Are they just bitter players we're better off without? Should we be grateful for their contribution, or just glad they're gone? Is it a media conspiracy? Is this just how football works these days, with no loyalty other than to your bank balance?

Let me just state I love my club and my team and I'll support them forever, but you have to admit it's a little worrying...
I'm not worried just the bitter ramblings of players who were never going to get in the squad, and think they are better than they are.
I think its a by product of taking a failing club and forcing it into a top4 challenging team.

The turnover of players is so quick currently, that players wont become part of the furtiture, instead they're in and out before their feet have touched the ground.

Add to that they were no doubt broguht in on the promise of delivering history, and now they're being cast aside... that won't help.
I'd answer yes to all your questions.

There's obviously a uneasy felling around new players coming in and players wanting to play, being worried that they'll get dropped etc. But they just need to shut up, train hard and take their opportunities when they can. They'll say it's not about money it's about playing but that's bull in most cases. Look at Robinho, he wants to play in Brasil, well what's stopping you son? Oh yes, nobody will pay you as much as we were so you go to Italy. FFS!
ask yourself have they won anything at city and was paid very well too

sometimes you have to look at yourself and say i was not good enough
to get in this team and play with better players

a top 4 club can have NO hangers on
just move on and play at the level you are mid table clubs
GStar said:
I think its a by product of taking a failing club and forcing it into a top4 challenging team.

The turnover of players is so quick currently, that players wont become part of the furtiture, instead they're in and out before their feet have touched the ground.

Add to that they were no doubt broguht in on the promise of delivering history, and now they're being cast aside... that won't help.

I agree with this.
It comes down to the short-termism which is inherant when there are frequent changes at the club. We've seen over the summer Mancini starting to weed out the players he doesn't fancy and bring in the new ones he does. This is within a short time of Hughes having done that, Ericson before him; Keegan before him....etc. A sense of belonging and confidence can only come when the manager and players have been in place for several years.
Over at the swamp, it's that confidence in each other and sense of belonging, which carries them through so many games - which comes from the fact that Fergie managed to survive that first few years when things were decidedly dodgy for him, but he and his senior players have now been there 20 years or so. The team ethic is stronger there than anywhere else in the prem, imho. And Christ, how they've reeped the benefit. Hopefully, we'll have some of that coupled with a feeling of loyalty, in the coming years.
That's why for me, it's imperitive that we stick with Mancini for more than just this season - even if it does start to go a little pearshaped. I know we expect top 4 but it may not happen. If we ship him out, the buying and selling will have to start all over again. We need - as many have said on here before - stability.
corky1970 said:
but guess what knobheads....weve got winners in your place now.real pro's .world class in every position.and you aint invites


That typifies just how ungracious City fans have become in recent months...
the blue panther said:
GStar said:
I think its a by product of taking a failing club and forcing it into a top4 challenging team.

The turnover of players is so quick currently, that players wont become part of the furtiture, instead they're in and out before their feet have touched the ground.

Add to that they were no doubt broguht in on the promise of delivering history, and now they're being cast aside... that won't help.

I agree with this.
It comes down to the short-termism which is inherant when there are frequent changes at the club. We've seen over the summer Mancini starting to weed out the players he doesn't fancy and bring in the new ones he does. This is within a short time of Hughes having done that, Ericson before him; Keegan before him....etc. A sense of belonging and confidence can only come when the manager and players have been in place for several years.
Over at the swamp, it's that confidence in each other and sense of belonging, which carries them through so many games - which comes from the fact that Fergie managed to survive that first few years when things were decidedly dodgy for him, but he and his senior players have now been there 20 years or so. The team ethic is stronger there than anywhere else in the prem, imho. And Christ, how they've reeped the benefit. Hopefully, we'll have some of that coupled with a feeling of loyalty, in the coming years.
That's why for me, it's imperitive that we stick with Mancini for more than just this season - even if it does start to go a little pearshaped. I know we expect top 4 but it may not happen. If we ship him out, the buying and selling will have to start all over again. We need - as many have said on here before - stability.

That's kind of the thing I was getting at originally, there has been a huge turn around over the past few seasons in both playing staff and managers. We need time for things to bed down in order to build the stability and commitment from players we desire. I think after the investment over the past few windows the wholesale changes are a thing of the bast and we can begin to grow as a team.

The quotes from ex players don't help regarding the "ruining football" argument
Players names we trusted and chanted week in week out now having a go at us and the irony they are having a go for a 'lack of trust'. Hope the door doesn't hit you on the way out lads!
Of course they weren't happy, because they were realising that the club was going places they wouldn't be taken, out of them all only Ireland deserves to be a little bitter in my opinion, but he still isn't likely to be good enough for where we are headed as a club, and sentiment (some call it loyalty) long since f**ked off from football !

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