Bitter ex players, trust and money...

corky1970 said:
these players thought they were doing City a " favour" by playing for us.

and to be honest i felt that way too, its been hard to shake of the "liccle city" tag
and the "were not worthy" attitude.
so whenthese players joined was always with the expectation they were better than the club deserved.
now with our new found professional attituDe, owners and money, revamped facilities and upgrades behind the scenes, better players coming in.
were not Liccle City " anymore.
and these bitter twats are getting found out, they were never here for the club or the fans.just for the money ....they were doing us a favour by playing for us.

but guess what knobheads....weve got winners in your place now.real pro's .world class in every position.and you aint invited


Go corky , go corky ,go corky , go corky....

That was Sam's Gerry springeresque tribute to corky's post :)
leighton said:
It does make you wonder what has gone on. The players who have all left have said something about the club. It doesnt surprise me that it is still going on. Theres something within the club that doesnt add up. When players who were at the club for a long time come out and say bad stuff about the club it does make you think what the fuck is going on.
Dunne started it off in a light way saying the club needed the money when he was sold not really wanting to say to much but he was pushed out of the club back then which he wasnt happy about.
Ireland as well in the same boat as Dunne and was pushed out of the club because of the Milner deal but the way the club got him to train with the reserves was just a bit of a piss take no wonder he talked out about his time. You could see he didnt want to leave he looked gutted but thats football now at City.
Whoever it is in the club it will all come out in the end. The more you think of it there is some well respected players at the club who are now in the situation of those players who went during the last window. I do wonder if Given goes or Ade at the next window what they have to say about there time there more so Given as if everyone who leaves says bad stuff about the team it will make future signings think again about signing for the club just my view. I know the club wants to make the next step up but you hardly ever hear from players slating our rival clubs when they leave them at City it is becoming the norm.

Its understandable being concerned at the fact that all these players seem to be making these unpleasant noises.

With all due respect can you name another club in the PL at the moment that has so much happening in such a short period of time? I'll even go further and say no other club in the PL has ever been in the position we're in at the moment. We're in a new territory so fans should expect different reactions. Even Chelsea were a more established force before they got taken over so they didn't require such a major overhaul of players. It was never going to be smooth sailing with everyone singing praises no matter how they were handled.

All this negativity from ex players is perfectly understandable albeit unprofessional. Its human nature, i'm sure i'd be pretty gutted myself not being part of these absolutely exciting times at City especially if i was there before the take over. Now its easier to have a pop at City as others have done it before them coupled with the media fishing for headlines. They wouldn't be making these noises if they were still here playing week in week out and getting big cheques, thats for sure.
I have a lot of time for many of the players (not all) who have left us. Not least the Dunnie Monster who Captained us for years and was Player of the Season 4 years on the bounce. I cannot slag them off now. However...

With the exception of Bellers and if you are including Spud's as a top 4 club, who at the top of the Prem would want these players? Take Dunnie, off to Villa and played in Cup Semi finals. Like the Quarter Finals we reached, blew up, not mentally strong enough to be top top notch. For me, Dunnie represents the best of what we 'let go'. Petrov was good but again just fell short of top notch.

We will not see another transfer window like this one, I believe. No more major surgery required, just the odd addition as and when. This team is young and the team spirt can now develop over many seasons hopefully. All this blather from the disenfranchised is natural, and probably true in thier eyes as they were seen quite rightly as the problem. Not nice, but there it is.
I get that they're unhappy, but it is slightly worrying. One saying crap then fine, probably a bitter player, two..coincidence maybe, but more and more players are coming out saying the same thing. Now forget the fact that they're mouthing off and whinining but listen to what they're saying, and when you look at it, for me, it's worrying. Stop taking what he's saying as being so personal, as he's having a go at the running of the club behind the scene, not the fans.

But the fact that so many of them are coming out saying similar things, surely there's a point where what they're saying isn't just the ramblings of bitter upset players.
Petrov is a big girl anyway so fully expected him to have a whinge....

You only have to look at the clubs that these players are now with to see that they obviously weren't good enough.

Bruised egos and sour grapes if you ask me.
corky1970 said:
IrishMacca said:
I get that they're unhappy, but it is slightly worrying. One saying crap then fine, probably a bitter player, two..coincidence maybe, but more and more players are coming out saying the same thing. Now forget the fact that they're mouthing off and whinining but listen to what they're, and when you look at it, for me, it's worrying. Stop saying what he's saying as being so personal, as he's having a go at the running of the club behind the scene, not the fans.
But the fact that so many of them are coming out saying similar things, surely there's a point where what they're saying isn't just the ramblings of bitter upset players.

i really think its is just the bitter ramblings, weve just been unlucky to have so many precious little girlies playing for us at the same time , and they have been found out !

I think the fact that RSC has not come out and said the same thing proves that all is well behind the scenes and he is a better professional

But him being a better professional doesn't mean things are all good.
I just think when you look at how many have come out and said what they've said, and how similar their comments are, for me it's one too many. Usually you don't get that many bad apples in a bunch and usually other players come out and talk it down, say how ridiculous it is..etc. For me, it's a few too many. Maybe there is, and I hate saying it, a bit of truth in what they're saying. Could there be?
IrishMacca said:
I get that they're unhappy, but it is slightly worrying. One saying crap then fine, probably a bitter player, two..coincidence maybe, but more and more players are coming out saying the same thing. Now forget the fact that they're mouthing off and whinining but listen to what they're saying, and when you look at it, for me, it's worrying. Stop taking what he's saying as being so personal, as he's having a go at the running of the club behind the scene, not the fans.

But the fact that so many of them are coming out saying similar things, surely there's a point where what they're saying isn't just the ramblings of bitter upset players.

Perhaps when they were being paid thousands of pounds a week and not playing for us, they invested a little bit of time on a computer course and have learned how to copy and paste
The Pink Panther said:
IrishMacca said:
I get that they're unhappy, but it is slightly worrying. One saying crap then fine, probably a bitter player, two..coincidence maybe, but more and more players are coming out saying the same thing. Now forget the fact that they're mouthing off and whinining but listen to what they're saying, and when you look at it, for me, it's worrying. Stop taking what he's saying as being so personal, as he's having a go at the running of the club behind the scene, not the fans.

But the fact that so many of them are coming out saying similar things, surely there's a point where what they're saying isn't just the ramblings of bitter upset players.

Perhaps when they were being paid thousands of pounds a week and not playing for us, they invested a little bit of time on a computer course and have learned how to copy and paste

Oh come on, how many players have left clubs over the years, Chelsea, Arsenal, United, Liverpool..etc all paid a ridiculous amount, and how many of them have had this many come out and speak out against their clubs.
I'm just wondering, maybe, if there might be some truth to it, and that is worrying.
And it is not the job of the club to just keep the starting 11/or the squad, happy and treat the rest badly as the ex players have suggested, a top class squad makes a top class team, but the players outside the squad push them, and it has a knock on effect.
It's just something to think about. If only our starting 11 are happy and the atmosphere is how the ex players suggested, well that is worrying. IF there is truth to it. I'm not sure there is, but one or two, that's a coincidence, that's a few bad apples, but this many..seems a bit too much for me.

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