Bitter ex players, trust and money...

To be fair most of these players are asked leading questions by the media and are either not smart enough not to come across as bitter or honestly don't really care how they came across. However they really should look at themselves and accept that maybe they are actually being replaced by better quality players, thats just the cold truth in football today.

With all the chopping and changing in recent years its only natural there might not be a strong team spirit in the camp at the moment but that develops with time so no real worries there. We're in a transition period and not everyone will be happy with everything going on.

I doubt you'll get players like Joe Hart, Kompany, De Jong or Yaya complaining about lack of trust or team spirit since they get games to play. Get to play games and feel involved in whats happening at City and you're happy, otherwise you're not, simple as, unless you're professional enough to keep shut.
You've got to laugh at Benjani though. That dickhead couldn't be trusted to get on a fucking plane and he always played like he'd just woken from a deep sleep
BillyShears said:
corky1970 said:
but guess what knobheads....weve got winners in your place now.real pro's .world class in every position.and you aint invites


That typifies just how ungracious City fans have become in recent months...

There is an element of truth in there though Billy.

Not in every case but in some.
ElanJo said:
Hang on, wasn't it Benjani who admitted that he came to City for the wage packet?

yep and it was the same benjani that wanted another year
It does make you wonder what has gone on. The players who have all left have said something about the club. It doesnt surprise me that it is still going on. Theres something within the club that doesnt add up. When players who were at the club for a long time come out and say bad stuff about the club it does make you think what the fuck is going on.
Dunne started it off in a light way saying the club needed the money when he was sold not really wanting to say to much but he was pushed out of the club back then which he wasnt happy about.
Ireland as well in the same boat as Dunne and was pushed out of the club because of the Milner deal but the way the club got him to train with the reserves was just a bit of a piss take no wonder he talked out about his time. You could see he didnt want to leave he looked gutted but thats football now at City.
Whoever it is in the club it will all come out in the end. The more you think of it there is some well respected players at the club who are now in the situation of those players who went during the last window. I do wonder if Given goes or Ade at the next window what they have to say about there time there more so Given as if everyone who leaves says bad stuff about the team it will make future signings think again about signing for the club just my view. I know the club wants to make the next step up but you hardly ever hear from players slating our rival clubs when they leave them at City it is becoming the norm.
Most of the time its the journalists twisting questions and backing them into corners to say something dramatic.
The Pink Panther said:
You've got to laugh at Benjani though. That dickhead couldn't be trusted to get on a fucking plane and he always played like he'd just woken from a deep sleep

I think Paul McKenna hypnotised him but never followed up with the <click> "you're back in the room" thing.
They're bleating because they've been kicked out. Some are doing it to save face, others because they are thick overpaid cocks.

Some probably genuinely feel let down e.g. Dunnie but the truth is that what's happened at City hasn't and maybe never will again happen at other clubs. We've had two false starts with Sven and Hughes and we've had to clear out a number of players to make way for what will now, hopefully, become the backbone of City's future........ but who knows?

All I know is that my misplaced loyalty to players has caused me some heartache. Now my view is that whilst they wear the shirt I love 'em, whoever they are, when they don't I don't give a sh1t about them. My loyalty is to City, the club, not any individual player.

Hopefully that view will soften again over the coming few seasons and we'll get some Corrigans, Bells, Tuearts, Goats etc etc who we'll always think fondly of but at the moment there are a lot of player who don't care about their club and I don't just mean City.

That's how it is, I'm not complaining, just moving with the times.

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