Blackpool away

watched the Dipper v Blackpool replay and cant figure out if Blackpool was really that sharp or if dippers were playing rubbish.

the dippers defense were dire and any team could have scored. Then again, Blackpool played decent football throughout the field and made their own chances.

so i dont know what to make of it yet. have to respect their resilience though.
mat said:
Sky saw this as a potential Blackpool win otherwise they wouldn't be showing it.

Let's twat them and show Andy Gray we mean Business.

agreed mat, they only beat liverpool 2-1 so they can't be any good:)

lets shove it down grays ugly fucking kite.
I think it has the potential to be a banana skin for us. But if we slipped up against Wigan, Wolves, West Brom (again!) etc I'd be very unhappy obviously. But if we lost against Blackpool I doubt I'd be as gutted, I'd almost be in admiration that a side has such spirit. They go out to games with a 'give our best shot' attitude, which means sides are there for the taking as they're caught off guard. I doubt they'll have tactics rammed down their throat by Holloway, I think they'll just be told to go out there and give their best shot.

They've been a good shock Blackpool, and I hope they stay up. I mean, when your manager is this man:

You can't help but like em.
dctid said:
chase of spades said:
Anyone else nervous about playing Blackpool?

If we invite them on us then yes - they will run their fookin guts out - we need to compete at every level and knock the ball around quickly and support the strikers - even Holloway reckons they cant defend.

However we will spend 10 minutes passng the ball square and some people on here will thinks thats brilliant.

Cant start slow and give them the momentum

Ha ha...sounds like the guys in front of me,screaming at Johnson to "get it in the box" as he ran towards the corner with a minute to go-sole aim to keep the ball.

We've run around like mad heads,playing the "English game" constantly giving the ball away for three decades-and look where it's got us,both at club and international level.

To do anything in football,you have to have posession of the football.If you can't go forwards,keep it until you can.

RBmk2 said:
dctid said:
If we invite them on us then yes - they will run their fookin guts out - we need to compete at every level and knock the ball around quickly and support the strikers - even Holloway reckons they cant defend.

However we will spend 10 minutes passng the ball square and some people on here will thinks thats brilliant.

Cant start slow and give them the momentum

Ha ha...sounds like the guys in front of me,screaming at Johnson to "get it in the box" as he ran towards the corner with a minute to go-sole aim to keep the ball.

We've run around like mad heads,playing the "English game" constantly giving the ball away for three decades-and look where it's got us,both at club and international level.

To do anything in football,you have to have posession of the football.If you can't go forwards,keep it until you can.

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gynnsquarephoenix said:
Seasider in peace. Family from Withenshaw, favourite Uncle was City till he died and was buried with his scarf.

We are still not sure if we are any good or not. We can play like Barcelona for one match and look like a Div 1 side the next. For that reason alone you should be nervous. When it clicks it affects every player and fan at the same time and we get in this magical state where we know we are going to win. The chants get more creative, normally pedestrian players start doing bullet passes and tricky moves, the nerve-wracking keeper turns into Gordon chuffin Banks. It's great to be a part of and there is no way we are going back down this year. We will however, take a couple more drubbings before the season is over. We are desperate for a home win for the fans, but the pressure for that seems to work against us. Great to see City ahead of Utd and Everton ahead of Liverpool. Things have needed shaking up in the Prem for a few years now. Enjoy your day out. You will be welcomed and can wear your colors anywhere in town, we have a bit of experience dealing with folks from out of town and making sure they have a good time. Just don't get too depressed if the magic starts to happen.

You will be welcomed and can wear your colors anywhere in town
Not being clever mate.... but you're Blackpool, not Millwall.

Good win yesterday and if you can muster enough points before Christmas you could survive... Most fans would want Blackpool to stay up.
I think Blackpool's gung ho football will perfectly suit our style of play.

I can see us scoring three or four if someone will take it upon themselves to actually shoot.

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