Blatter's views on racism.... from BBC

You want to hear some of the shite going on at Talkshite right now. It's that bad I can't stop listening. They are right on their high horses.....fucking hell they really do come up with some nonsense!

Tell you what though, John Terry must be loving this. He calls someone a black c*nt, and all we're talking about is Blatter telling us that a handshake should sort it out.

Oh, and the one about calling Bale an ape and calling a black player an ape being similar! Not really the same thing.
malg said:
bluemanc said:
malg said:
As much as he is a disgrace etc, etc.....England are still the Football Association who allowed John Terry to captain his country after calling another player, a black player, a 'black c**t'. Get off your high horses. Sort out the English FA first.

Oh, and I don't care about this fucking 'innocent until proven guilty'. We've all seen the video evidence, and he definitely used those words. The bloke is guilty as sin, and he still captained his country in a football match. Personally, I have absolutely no fucking idea why any of the black English players took to the pitch.....wankers to a man, and not one single bit of moral courage amongst them.

So, yes, Blatter is a moron, but stones and glass houses etc, etc.
Oh, and I don't care about this fucking 'innocent until proven guilty'
The only twat on a high horse would appear to be you.
What high horse would that be? No one with an ounce of sense would dispute what Terry said, therefore he is a ****. Easy really, and no amount of horses, or even how high they may be, is going to change that. The only reason I mentioned the 'innocent until proven guilty' is because that's what most pundits are saying to excuse the fucker....well, he said it, plain and simple.

Oh, Blatter is a knob as well, but we all knew that already.

Nearly forgot, no need to call me a twat either....quit the name calling. Make your point by all means, but don't lower yourself to the level of Terry.
We have other threads on Terry this is about Blatter whose comments you seem to take as lightly as what he does judging by your "Oh, Blatter is a knob as well"afterthought.
You came on this thread aggresive as fuck with nothing to add except tearing into the black players who play for England & for some obscene reason saying we shouldn't comment because of the Terry situation.
Oh yes!you are a twat aswell, a bit like blatter,2 can play at that game.
blatter's comments run deeper than sheer ignorance or the ramblings of a fucked up old man. by saying that there's no racism on the pitch & anything dodgy said on it can be forgotten with a handshake he's given carte blanche to any player at any level in any country to racially abuse an opponent.

what a ****.
City Raider said:
Sabster said:
I partially agree with him.

Racism is not giving someone a job because of the colour of there skin or repeated abuse.

It is not a one-off insult in the heat of the moment.

If someone had called Gareth Bale an ape would that be racist? I doubt anyone would care. But because Marcelo was called an ape it was racism.

it appears we disagree again

one-off insults are the tip of the ice-berg, if left unchallenged they eventually result in racism in action

what do you think - people suddenly decide to act in a racist way before ever speaking about?

sorry, but that was such an ignorant post

What is racism in action?

I am sorry, if a black player called a white player a white **** no one give a fuck and rightly so. One off insults are not racism.

City Raider said:
what do you think - people suddenly decide to act in a racist way before ever speaking about?

That is false logic - "a square is a rectangle but a rectangle is not a square"

That is like saying "all muderers are violent" thus "a violent person is a murderer"
Sabster said:
City Raider said:
Sabster said:
I partially agree with him.

Racism is not giving someone a job because of the colour of there skin or repeated abuse.

It is not a one-off insult in the heat of the moment.

If someone had called Gareth Bale an ape would that be racist? I doubt anyone would care. But because Marcelo was called an ape it was racism.

it appears we disagree again

one-off insults are the tip of the ice-berg, if left unchallenged they eventually result in racism in action

what do you think - people suddenly decide to act in a racist way before ever speaking about?

sorry, but that was such an ignorant post

What is racism in action?

I am sorry, if a black player called a white player a white **** no one give a fuck and rightly so. One off insults are not racism.

City Raider said:
what do you think - people suddenly decide to act in a racist way before ever speaking about?

That is false logic - "a square is a rectangle but a rectangle is not a square"

That is like saying "all muderers are violent" thus "a violent person is a murderer"

all that effort for a load of shite.
Prestwich_Blue said:
There's also the case of the Argentinian FIFA executive member who made a number of anti-semitic remarks.

Mr Julio Grondona, a member of the Fifa executive, that has seen four of its 24 members suspended for corruption, said “I do not believe a Jew can ever be a referee at this level. It’s hard work and, you know, Jews don’t like hard work.”

We've all seen that there have been numerous racist incidents in Internationals that FIFA have failed to respond to or just hit the offenders with a derisory fine.

That comment fron Grondona is unbelievable. Surely he must have been sacked after such a remark?
Juan King said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
There's also the case of the Argentinian FIFA executive member who made a number of anti-semitic remarks.

Mr Julio Grondona, a member of the Fifa executive, that has seen four of its 24 members suspended for corruption, said “I do not believe a Jew can ever be a referee at this level. It’s hard work and, you know, Jews don’t like hard work.”

We've all seen that there have been numerous racist incidents in Internationals that FIFA have failed to respond to or just hit the offenders with a derisory fine.

That comment fron Grondona is unbelievable. Surely he must have been sacked after such a remark?
No he wasn't.
Nor was Jack Warner after being found to have sold thousands of tickets on the black market (although an Indian FIFA ExCo member was sacked for selling just 12 tickets).
Nor was Nicholas Leoz when his name appeared on a list of bribes paid by ISL.
Nor was Ricardo Teixeira when a company controlled by him was found on the same list.
stonerblue said:
To be fair to Blatter, his idea for making womens football more popular by having them wear tighter shorts is a bit of a goer.

I'm having it. Might make me watch a game every now and then :)

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