Blue Moon Playlist Review Club - Season 2 - Episode 24 - RobMCFC – Primary and Secondary Colours (pg 412)

Granted, some nominations here will not be as meaningful without at least some knowledge of a band or context for comparison (something I was loosely aware of but was highlighted by threespires' paramore comment). So I would politely suggest we offer a contrasting song to accompany the nominations. It doesn't have to get included in the playist, but gives people a 'guided' choice should they wish to explore in their own time.
Yeah, I felt like I at least owed the audience the contrast to my first selection by mentioning both the band name change and the popular dance track the preceded it, though I figured the two astute music veterans who first liked my selection (including threespires) would know it quite well.
As we have established threespires isn't a sad nutter stickler for rules and paperwork, I'm sure it will be met with little objection. If so I put forward their Kris's as a contrasting option.
I'm glad we don't have to include something from the former to listen to in this case too, but a little context goes a long way.

The Vedder and Robinson nominations that Mcd and Rob put forward were great examples too. More familiar with the former than the latter, and now looking forward to hearing the contrasts with the context.
That's not what Bowie did. He made some significant musical changes and I suspect I will resort to picking a Bowie track for this playlist subject.

Stven Tyler: "I Make My Own Sunshine". From the Aerosmith lead singer's solo album, a heavy rock album it ain't.

That is so close to being a great piece of reinvention. He gets to within 14 seconds of the end of the song and then like a tourette's sufferer he can't help himself and has to throw in a little scream!

More seriously I liked that quite a bit and had a listen to the album last night; first impression it's a bit patchy but there's some nice stuff on it.
That is so close to being a great piece of reinvention. He gets to within 14 seconds of the end of the song and then like a tourette's sufferer he can't help himself and has to throw in a little scream!

More seriously I liked that quite a bit and had a listen to the album last night; first impression it's a bit patchy but there's some nice stuff on it.

Yes, it made me smile when he did the scream.

I like the album but like a lot of modern albums it suffers fromo not having the restrictions of vinyl.

I saw him do a solo gig on the back of the album that was really good but he did throw in quite a lot of Aerosmith tracks.
My second choice is going to be Rush: "Subdivisions".

Is it reinvention or just evolution? I don't know for sure but it is markedly different from their early, gutiar led, work.
It’s almost a running gag getting a Rush nomination in here every week between a few of us, but yes, that’s a great song and a bit different to what came before.
It’s almost a running gag getting a Rush nomination in here every week between a few of us, but yes, that’s a great song and a bit different to what came before.
I just had to plant the seed in my A to Z, and I know OB1 would be all over it. :-)

I'm sure he had this already planned, tbf.

I will fully admit to doing a double take upon first hearing that song right after Moving Pictures, so it makes the grade in my book. It was a Far Cry from what I was expecting, but I loved it too.

And to piggyback on the Bowie looks theme, you have to love the band's new hair styles for this new (wave) phase, right? ;-)

“I was sitting there thinking: ‘I can’t hear guitar,’” says Lifeson, recalling the mixing process. “I’m a very easy-going guy, but I thought: ‘This is not right.’ So I pushed that fader up. I do remember Terry [Brown, producer] turning to me and smiling, and reaching over and pulling it back down. I could barely hear my guitar on that mix, and that just screams ‘wrong’ to me.”
When Velocity Girl was put on the C86 cassette given away free in the NME and the Byrdsian jangle of Sonic Flower Groove came out I doubt many would have imagined what happened a few years later. Of course the right drugs and the late great Andrew Weatherall had a huge part to play as well. Bobby fulfilled his Jagger fantasy next and there were other high points in Vanishing Point and Xterminator but nothing matched Screamadelica

Primal Scream - Higher Than The Sun

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