Blue Moon Playlist Review Club - Season 2 - Episode 24 - RobMCFC – Primary and Secondary Colours (pg 412)

Enjoyed the two tracks I had heard before by the Adult Net and Altered Images.Will probably investigate further after my Fatima Mansions and Cathal Coughlan binge.
Dead Popstars is a classic in my book and the Brit years is my favourite Fall period so no surprises there.
Think it was the last Altered Images lp Bite? that was pop perfection.Will revisit that at some time.
The other 3 not for me.
Enjoyed the two tracks I had heard before by the Adult Net and Altered Images.Will probably investigate further after my Fatima Mansions and Cathal Coughlan binge.
Dead Popstars is a classic in my book and the Brit years is my favourite Fall period so no surprises there.
Think it was the last Altered Images lp Bite? that was pop perfection.Will revisit that at some time.
The other 3 not for me.
Bite by Altered Images? yes, that was pretty sophisticated. As if I didn't have enough of a crush on Clare Grogan she had to go all sultry on me...
I suspect I'm atypical of people on these music threads in that I probably listen to more music with female than male vocals. However that includes lots of smokier contralto voices rather than what's on this playlist. So first listen I thought much of it was pleasant and inoffensive but nothing stood out other than the Altered Images but sadly for the wrong reasons for me :-(

However, having nearly written off the Fatima Mansions too early on the other thread, I will give these a few whirls to see what emerges.
I suspect I'm atypical of people on these music threads in that I probably listen to more music with female than male vocals. However that includes lots of smokier contralto voices rather than what's on this playlist. So first listen I thought much of it was pleasant and inoffensive but nothing stood out other than the Altered Images but sadly for the wrong reasons for me :-(

However, having nearly written off the Fatima Mansions too early on the other thread, I will give these a few whirls to see what emerges.
I had to look up what "contralto" meant. I thought it might be some two-man Italian defensive midfield arrangement :)
I enjoyed this playlist. Previously I was only familiar with Altered Images. Admittedly Clare Grogan's voice is a problem and by their third album, a more sophisticated offering it had matured. Or voice altering technology had been invented. Still, their first album is very good, a little darker in places than you might imagine, including of course Dead Pop Stars.

Of the others Belle and Sebastian are a band I'd heard of and always thought I should check out. I thought it was the least memorable track here but I did like that the lightness of the tune contrasted with (again) a darker edge.

The other three songs all perfect accompaniment to driving in the sunshine with the soft top down. Not that I have a soft top and I live in the UK so hardly worth it (climate change notwithstanding). Stand out the Adult Net and I've already explored them further, not what I expected from an ex member of the Fall at all! It seems their one album isn't available on streaming services but a compilation album is.
"Waking Up In The Sun" by The Adult Net - a pleasant, breezy track with some nice shimmering guitars. I can imagine Mad Eyed Screamer waking up and playing this in his Florida pad (on a day when there's no hurricanes, of course). I enjoyed this one.

"Family Tree" by Belle and Sebastian - A bit to breathy and "nice". Not my kind of music.

"Burning Hearts" by My Favourite - This was a good listen with some enjoyable vocals and nice to see the melodica make an appearance. Not as good as the similarly titled and epic "Burning Heart" by Survivor - I put that comment in because I know MES will appreciate it :)

"Dead Pop Stars" by Altered Images - Godawful voice and the music isn't up to much either. In fact, outside of rap, this music (and I use the word in the loosest sense) would be my "exhibit A" of what anti-music is - droning, tuneless and awful.

"Come Monday Night" by God Help The Girl - I thought it was going to break out into the Only Fools and Horses theme for a moment! Is it me, or does she sound like a female Morrissey? Despite this, it was a perfectly listenable song with some soothing strings and a bit of accordion.

Although there was nothing that I'd rush back to listen to again, it was a pleasant listen (except for Altered Images).
Thanks to @Mad Eyed Screamer for posting - but we need to hear your comments on other peoples playlists.

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