Blue Moon Playlist Review Club - Season 2 - Episode 25 - OB1 – Soundtracks (pg 422)

A bit like that for me, the first four tracks very easy listening (in a good way) and I have since put Spotify top tracks on for both Neal Casal and Rod Picott. Sort of as I expected I liked some but not all of what came up, the better moments of both put me in mind to listen to Israel Nash, I think they inhabit the same general musical landscape but Nash has the much more memorable tunes and delivery.
I like some of Israel Nash's stuff. I find if I listen to his albums, they tend to be a bit much all together, but some of his songs are superb ("Rain Plans", "Strangers" and "The Forest", the last of which he did with The Bright Light Social Hour).
I’ve had this on a fair bit in the background already. It’s easy listening, but I have to be honest, nothing has really stood out for me or made me want to look for more.

Some of it is the country side of middle of the road and just doesn’t stir the juices., for me.

When it went onto random after the playlist something else by Rod Picott came on which was better than any of the list however.
The idea behind my choices of songs was both personal and to give a snapshot of each artist,Rod Picott definitely has better songs than the one I chose.Each Artist on the list has a large body of work which has largely gone unheard on here I suspect ,so its great you can explore other tracks by them.
The idea behind my choices of songs was both personal and to give a snapshot of each artist,Rod Picott definitely has better songs than the one I chose.Each Artist on the list has a large body of work which has largely gone unheard on here I suspect ,so its great you can explore other tracks by them.
I've been listening to your playlist and I enjoyed it.

I echo some of what others have said, regarding the mid-tempo pacing, but I can see that you are saying that the songs were personal choices, so it makes sense to give your list a unifying theme.

Whilst I enjoyed them all, I think the Neal Casal track was the pick of the bunch. I really liked the mandolin at the start and the general feel. I listened to the album that this was from, The Sun Rises Here and enjoyed that as well.

Rod Picot is an interesting artist. I've heard a couple of his albums and a few other songs here and there. I prefer it more when he gets his teeth into some subject - e.g. "Welding Burns", "Coal" and on "Sinner's Prayer" from the Summerbirds album, which I listened to here. I like him less when he is just on about relationships and he tends to sound a bit flat (but I suppose that's the point).

The other tracks were OK, but for some reason I can never get into Richmond Fontaine!

But the playlist worked and it's a nice example of a theme introducing people to different artists.
Had not even heard of some of the artists and even though some of the tracks didn't stand out massively, the autoplays generated from listening to them are throwing up loads of good and interesting stuff. Particularly enjoying exploring The Westies and Peter Bruntnell (mostly for his slight oddness).

For me this playlist did exactly what it said on the tin, thank you.
Played this list quite a few times early on in the week, but once Roy Harper came on the scene on Wednesday, I’m afraid this went onto the back burner.

I’d not heard anything on this list or by Harper before. Roy has proven to be much more to my taste.

I have a feeling that these two threads will be in competition for air time. Might prove problematic.
Played this list quite a few times early on in the week, but once Roy Harper came on the scene on Wednesday, I’m afraid this went onto the back burner.

I’d not heard anything on this list or by Harper before. Roy has proven to be much more to my taste.

I have a feeling that these two threads will be in competition for air time. Might prove problematic.
That’s the main reason I kept it to just 5 tracks making it a kind of sampler, rather
than a whole album to reviewed in depth .

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