Blue moon rising - the film

SWP's back said:
Pigeonho said:
'Nowwww, who lives in a house like thissssss'
What a prick he was though his pasta sauce is great.

Back on topic, are you as pleasantly surprised as me at the reviews given your previous thought re the media?

Edit I hate my iPhones keyboard
Thing with me mate is its not the actual film which I dislike, i'm sure its a great watch, for those interested. Its the idea of it which I don't really go for. I know i'm in the minority, and thats fine, but we're a football club in my eyes and i'd rather our success do the promoting/talking, not a film. As I say, i'm sure for those interested it'll be a good couple of hours viewing and good luck to those who go and watch it.
Pigeonho said:
SWP's back said:
What a prick he was though his pasta sauce is great.

Back on topic, are you as pleasantly surprised as me at the reviews given your previous thought re the media?

Edit I hate my iPhones keyboard
Thing with me mate is its not the actual film which I dislike, i'm sure its a great watch, for those interested. Its the idea of it which I don't really go for. I know i'm in the minority, and thats fine, but we're a football club in my eyes and i'd rather our success do the promoting/talking, not a film. As I say, i'm sure for those interested it'll be a good couple of hours viewing and good luck to those who go and watch it.

Fully understand but I was more Meaning that you had thought a city hating media would jump all over it.
SWP's back said:
Pigeonho said:
Thing with me mate is its not the actual film which I dislike, i'm sure its a great watch, for those interested. Its the idea of it which I don't really go for. I know i'm in the minority, and thats fine, but we're a football club in my eyes and i'd rather our success do the promoting/talking, not a film. As I say, i'm sure for those interested it'll be a good couple of hours viewing and good luck to those who go and watch it.

Fully understand but I was more Meaning that you had thought a city hating media would jump all over it.
I don't think the media hate City. This morning I posted that because alot of people are supporting this film, and those same people do genuinely believe the media hates us. I just thought that people wouldn't support the making of the film because there was a chance the media might slate us even more. I am glad its got a good review though, course I am.
Mate of mine has seen it, he says the biggest transformation in the film isnt in Citys fortunes but how one of the girlfriends went from looking average with a 80's style curly blonde perm to actually appearing quite fit by the end. Apart from that he said it was ok, bit silly in places and a bit too much of the same group of lads instead of showing different groups of fans.
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
strongbowholic said:
You seem happy to waste time on a forum spouting off about City though?

I understand the expression, using this forum's parlance, is: 'oooh! the ironing!'

S you think that there is a contradiction here?

I, as I am constantly being told on here, have no interest in contributing to what I see as boring, so-obvious-it-isn't-worth-stating "I like City winning" type conversations on here and don't do so. I usually only contribute when my opinion might offer something slightly different.

And you think it is ironic or a contradiction that I might not have any interest in a film that seems full of football fans telling me how much they love their club?

Stop trying to be clever, you are making a mess of it.

To clarify, I have no interest in such sentiments. They bore me as I consider them blindingly obvious. If holding that opinion or expressing it on a thread regarding opinions on the matter at hand offends you so much then that's just weird.

None of that stops you or anyone else going to see this, so get a grip
Raw nerve per chance sir?

As for cleverness, no attempt at cleverness on my part at all, merely pointing out an irony in your comment - one you evidently cannot (or choose not) to see.

That said, I feel I'm smart enough to have been able to spell "So" (assuming that was the word you wanted you use at the start of your reply to my post).

Thanks for taking the time though; I appreciate it.
I can't wait to see this, from the trailors I can relate to the blues who they follow and might make people remember what a few blues have forgot, manchester city is more than shiek mansours billions.
strongbowholic said:
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
S you think that there is a contradiction here?

I, as I am constantly being told on here, have no interest in contributing to what I see as boring, so-obvious-it-isn't-worth-stating "I like City winning" type conversations on here and don't do so. I usually only contribute when my opinion might offer something slightly different.

And you think it is ironic or a contradiction that I might not have any interest in a film that seems full of football fans telling me how much they love their club?

Stop trying to be clever, you are making a mess of it.

To clarify, I have no interest in such sentiments. They bore me as I consider them blindingly obvious. If holding that opinion or expressing it on a thread regarding opinions on the matter at hand offends you so much then that's just weird.

None of that stops you or anyone else going to see this, so get a grip
Raw nerve per chance sir?

As for cleverness, no attempt at cleverness on my part at all, merely pointing out an irony in your comment - one you evidently cannot (or choose not) to see.

That said, I feel I'm smart enough to have been able to spell "So" (assuming that was the word you wanted you use at the start of your reply to my post).

Thanks for taking the time though; I appreciate it.

Let me recap the situation for you.

I express an opinion on a forum. An opinion you (and another poster who takes far too much of an unhealthy interest in my postings on here) obviously disagree with.

However, far from just thinking "that's an opinion I disagree with" you attempt to belittle it by posting what you believe to be a smart comment about irony.

Presumably you were trying to compare my opinion regarding not being interested in stating-the-obvious comments of football fans with my choosing to sometimes post on here.

Now, if you had been paying attention you would have noticed that at no point did I state that I held the opinion that all opinions of football fans are of no interest.

I was merely referring to, and this was made clear, the sort of 'football fan tells us he loves his club/football fan tells us he is happy his team won/football fan tells us he is sad when his team loses' comments that you often see on here and are at the forefront of this film.

So, if I had stated that I have no interest in and find all football fans opinions ridiculous then your irony point may have held some weight. I'd be criticising an action that I sometimes undertake myself.

As I didn't and only referred to a specific set of opinions/comments which I never indulge in, then your point is reduced to complete nonsense, cack-handedly grasping at some notion of an observation of irony being some sort of satirical kryptonite.

Even if you wish to make out that other people may be bored by their own specific criteria regarding the comments of other, and that may encompass most of my posts, then it still make no sense as that would merely be contrasting opinions. And if that were to be mistaken for irony then any action ever undertaken by anyone would have to be considered ironic.

In summary, nonsense. And not only nonsense, but nonsense instigated on your part purely in order to have a snide dig because you saw an opinion you disagree with.

I won't be replying again, so might I suggest a final post appearing to be nonchalant and trying to suggest that your post actually did make sense. Maybe something about hitting a nerve or having taken 3 hours to type out this answer and being 'rattled' by such a cutting observation. At the very least it might look like 'the last word' was had.

Could mention any typos too.

(the other option is to not get so irate about opinions you disagree with or thinking more carefully before comments designed to be smart - you could always go with that)
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
strongbowholic said:
Raw nerve per chance sir?

As for cleverness, no attempt at cleverness on my part at all, merely pointing out an irony in your comment - one you evidently cannot (or choose not) to see.

That said, I feel I'm smart enough to have been able to spell "So" (assuming that was the word you wanted you use at the start of your reply to my post).

Thanks for taking the time though; I appreciate it.

Let me recap the situation for you.

I express an opinion on a forum. An opinion you (and another poster who takes far too much of an unhealthy interest in my postings on here) obviously disagree with.

However, far from just thinking "that's an opinion I disagree with" you attempt to belittle it by posting what you believe to be a smart comment about irony.

Presumably you were trying to compare my opinion regarding not being interested in stating-the-obvious comments of football fans with my choosing to sometimes post on here.

Now, if you had been paying attention you would have noticed that at no point did I state that I held the opinion that all opinions of football fans are of no interest.

I was merely referring to, and this was made clear, the sort of 'football fan tells us he loves his club/football fan tells us he is happy his team won/football fan tells us he is sad when his team loses' comments that you often see on here and are at the forefront of this film.

So, if I had stated that I have no interest in and find all football fans opinions ridiculous then your irony point may have held some weight. I'd be criticising an action that I sometimes undertake myself.

As I didn't and only referred to a specific set of opinions/comments which I never indulge in, then your point is reduced to complete nonsense, cack-handedly grasping at some notion of an observation of irony being some sort of satirical kryptonite.

Even if you wish to make out that other people may be bored by their own specific criteria regarding the comments of other, and that may encompass most of my posts, then it still make no sense as that would merely be contrasting opinions. And if that were to be mistaken for irony then any action ever undertaken by anyone would have to be considered ironic.

In summary, nonsense. And not only nonsense, but nonsense instigated on your part purely in order to have a snide dig because you saw an opinion you disagree with.

I won't be replying again, so might I suggest a final post appearing to be nonchalant and trying to suggest that your post actually did make sense. Maybe something about hitting a nerve or having taken 3 hours to type out this answer and being 'rattled' by such a cutting observation. At the very least it might look like 'the last word' was had.

Could mention any typos too.

(the other option is to not get so irate about opinions you disagree with or thinking more carefully before comments designed to be smart - you could always go with that)
Wow! Such a well thought out and articulate post deserves a response - not to have the last word but as a right of reply you understand, as I would never be goaded into proffering an insult by way of having the last word.

Firstly, I have never indicated in my posts whether or not I disagree with your opinion, that is merely an inference you have taken. The element of your post I thought was ironic was the fact you "...can't think of anything interesting about spending an hour or so listening to random football fans spouting off..." yet felt compelled and interested enough, as a random fan yourself, to "spout off" about it. Again, if you cannot (or choose not) to see the irony in that, then fine it really isn't an issue.

As for cack-handedness and irony being some sort of satirical kryptonite, then poppycock; I simply responded to your post with my opinion of how your post came across.

At no time have I wished to come across as "smart", I've merely expressed an opinion. Once again though, thanks for replying, however as I am sensing from your responses so far a touch of over-sensitivity, I promise to be more careful in the future; okey dokey Skip?
the film had its Blue Carpet premiere on Thur night!
Had tickets but couldnt go at short notice!

Its on general release at selected cinemas from Fri 17th Sept.

However i cannot find a cinema showing it.
Does anyone know of cinemas in Manchester that have released showing details??

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