Blue Tuesday: Lakey's Question - Overcoming disappointment..

I now get out photos of my 6 grandchildren and think: "Well at least they will see City win the Premiership."

Mind you it doesn't help that most of them support other teams (Wigan & Trafford United) and the two that support City live in Canada!! :-)
Well after the cc cup deafeat at the swamp we got the coach back to mossley and went in the bridge inn for a couple of post match pints to drown our sorrows my mate and i decided to walk back to glossop over the moors i said to my mate forget getting a taxi we can walk it ,it will only take a couple of hours. So armed with a couple of bottles of pear bulmers 2 cigars and 6 cigs we set off 6 hours later we arrived at the top of mottram moor totally freezing no socks covered in cuts and bruises ice and mud we feared for our lives up there and that definatly got us over the defeat but would not try it again in minus 10 tempratures freezing fog and pitch black can laugh about it now but we really could of died up there lol.

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