Blue Tuesday: Lakey's question. Your City time capsule...

1. photo of franny lee, arms held up after scoring at newcastle in 68

2. photo of hinchcliffe holding his hand up with his four fingers and thumb spread indicating 'five' at the away end, september 1989

3. photo of tony book holding aloft the cup winners cup trophy
Bruce Wades-Hughes said:
1. Footage of Dennis Tueart's bicycle kick
2. Sunday newspaper from 24th September, 1989
3. Maine Road hot dog with boiled onions

Jesus,imagine No 3 when they dig that up,should wipe the population out when they open the capsule!

Remember two stall holders knocking seven shades out of each other once fighting over prime spots - cant believe I Qd up for one of those things once.
the picture of tony book with the league championship f a cup and charty shield, then a picture of kolo with the premier league trophy, 2010

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