Bluemoon Cheltenham Champion Tipser table Day 4.

1:30 - Unaccompanied
2:05 - Blackstairmountain
2:40 - Bobs Worth
3:20 - Kauto Star
4:00 - Just Amazing
1.30 unaccompanied
2.05 alarzi
2.40 bobs worth
3.20 long run
4.00 on the fringe

5.15 im singing the blues

thanks leighton

the champion tipster can pick the team for sunday against chelski, think No 45 is a non runner
What a week 2 wiiners pass the fecking post!!!! But on we go

1.30 Sam Winner
2.05 Alarazi
2.40 Bobs Worth
3.20 Midnight Chase
4.00 Baby Run
1.30 Sam Winner
2.05 Ski Sunday
2.40 Bobs Worth
3.20 Imperial Commander
4.00 Baby Run

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