Only one comedy in the top 50 is pretty much ridiculous; only about a half dozen (and one of them was fucking Step Brothers) or so overall. Far too many fairly generic action films -- except not a single James Bond film (several copies of James Bond films). Too many horror films. Not enough strong acting performances. The number of women who participated in this survey is, I'm guessing, minimal -- were there any?
I'm sorry to woman -- but compared to the Top 100 records thread or the top 100 songs thread where we saw a lot more innovation and IMO quality rewarded with votes, I think this list is a little disappointing. I know this is about "favo(u)rites" though, and a good shoot-'em-up is always fun.
I got 7 films in, and 4 on the "just missed" list. The most unforgiveable omission on both the top 100 and the "just missed" list is Fargo. The Coen brothers had several others that made it; why not their masterpiece? IMO it's clearly their best film and was arguably one of the best films of the 1990s. And, to reiterate, despite the plethora of action flicks, no James Bond films on either -- I had Goldfinger on mine.