Bluemoon's Official Top 100 Films

Can you name one film that did justice to a Steven King book.

As an aside;
I read Misery when I was lying in a hospital bed before and after getting a plate taken out of my left leg.
The original Pet Sematary wasn’t terrible and Fred Gwynne was perfectly cast as Jud Crandall.
I saw it when first released with the book fresh in my mind. From the first scene of the Ariel shot following the car driving into the rockies I was hooked. As you say, the photography/camera work was amazing. I know I sound like an old fart but seriously, films ain’t what they used to be as any analysis of any top 100 films would show.

Agreed. Very few great films last decade or so, The Revenant was beautifully filmed I thought and a great film, same for the Blade Runner remake - really enjoyed that
Great Western bar the mushy musical number in the middle of the film.

Check out The Sting (1973) for more movie magic from the pairing of Newman & Redford in a caper film set in the depression-era of Americana.

Oh FFS . . . I totally forgot about The Sting. I love that film. Never crossed my mind as a top 20 candidate and should have. Very snappy film and I'm also a sucker for Twists (in joke) and turns. Mad at myself for forgetting it.
If only you could go back to last week when you were filling in for BH and you could fiddle with the placings. Just a minimum of a change, maybe swap Raiders and BTTF.
Don’t want to mess up the space time continuum.
Ha ha ha @BlueHammer85 only gave me enough information for my substitute role, the bastard!

Had I known it was coming at number 18 I would have!

Still really surprised, and more surprised by the volatile reax to my post -- again, nothing wrong -- I very much like BTTF (and I think MJF is great) -- just never would have expected it on the list or if so somewhere much, much earlier.

But it's interesting that I think a music list would be much more similar between US and UK respondents (albeit we are mostly -- I'm guessing -- middle-aged men of limited socioeconomic/ethnic diversity relative to the population at large) than the movie list has been/will be. A US list might have the Grateful Dead and no Kinks, but more similarities. I'd guess music has cross-pollinated more.

Eg. for this list we know Life of Brian is coming at some point and I doubt it would be on an American list of top 100 films -- MPFC's entry would probably be Grail and maybe not have one at all on a US list.

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