BlueTuesday Question:Has City cost you your job/relationship


Well-Known Member
14 Jul 2009
Hi everyone

This week's question for the show is:

Has City ever cost you your job, friendship or relationship?

As for me, I still believe that my response to City beating Burnley 6-2 when I worked as a physio may have cost me my job at Turf Moor. I don't think Stan Ternent took too kindly to me high-fiving City fans on my way back to the dugout, and I left the club shortly after...

As usual, Emily will be reading out some of your posts on Tuesday between 6pm and 7pm.


hahahaha!!! Laughing like fuck at your reaction to the 6-2 Paul, nice one!

During the season 98-98 I got to 43 league games, quit 3 jobs because they wouldn't give me time off to go to games.
Most memorable one was Lincoln away, told the foreman there on the Monday that on the day of the game I had to leave at midday (was travelling up from my local area in Southampton) he said ok, no problem.
Come the day of the game one of the other lads hadn't turned in and we were testing some pipework which had to be finished. Came to lunchtime I had packed up my tools and put them in the sitebox. Was getting changed when the foreman came in and asked what I was doing....'Going, I'm off to football, remember?' cue his reply, 'You can't, you know we are a man down, we need to get the job finished'.....'Ok' I said, 'There's the keys for my toolbox, you can use them'
'No Billy, you will have to stay to complete it'
'Ermmmm.......... no, I am going, same as I told you before'
His reply made me laugh: 'Well if you leave then don't come back here again'
'Ok....give me my keys back, use someone elses tools, seeya'
Went and got my tools out and left the job.
The next day i got calls off the foreman, he left messages on my voicemailn saying that they got the job done and could I come back to help finish the job off, about another 4 weeks.
Called him and said, have you got something to say to me? 'Yeah, I suppose I should say sorry Billy, I was a bit pissed off and took it out on you'
'Ok, thanks'
'So, 8am tomorrow yeah?'
Me: 'Nah, stick yer job up yer arse, I have got another start anyway!'

AND.........we fucking lost 2-1!!!!!!!!!!!
Can't really say what i do but it has cost me a promotion and nearly a job loss

like the poster above mine was Lincoln away in 98-99
i had an interview for the next rung below the boss at the company the day after the game. i had to give three five minute presentations the next morning so i read them on to tape and listened to them on the way to lincoln in the car
because i was concentrating on the road didn't really hear them, consequently didn't get the job!

last year i ducked a day and a half off work to go to Schalke
i am the boss now and told my pa i was off to a conference on the thursday and needed to leave early on the wednesday to get there.
drove to luton airport with daughter and flew to Dortmund that evening
everything was working fine until we scored the first goal when my other daughter texted "dad, if you want to be inconspicuous then don't wear a bright yellow shirt and go bananas when City score!"
i was wearing my brazil-robinho shirt and was seen clearly by the cameras, i'm even on the end of season DVD!
got some funny looks back in work on monday but no-one said a thing
Not a job as such, but City got me chucked out of the Girl Guides.

It was the night of the 1981 FA Cup final replay and, for some reason, mum made me go to guides that week (my dad was at Wembley so couldn't fight my corner). Anyway, I smuggled a little radio into my pocket and spent the entire meeting sat at the back of the room listening to the game on Piccadilly 261. The guide leader (can't remember her name; Brown Bear or Large Bison or summat) got steadily more pissed off that I wasn't joining in their crappy map-reading exercise and stormed up to me, demanding the answer to her ultimatum.

"You've got to make a decision, young lady. Girl Guides or Manchester City. And if it's football, you don't need to bother turning up next week ..."

So I didn't :)
Hi Lakey,i lost a job way back in 1988/89 the period i class as my favourite following our boys,got too almost every away game that year as well as being a season tkt holder at maine rd,anway it all started with a couple ov weeks off work with a bad back (i was 17!!) the gaffer never liked me although i loved the job,i gets back in work on the monday and the gaffer read me the riot act,all the time im thinking 'theres no chance this fella is going to let me have tomorrow off' tomorrow being tuesday the day we played plymouth at home park in the league cup,so i thought best idea to tell him i had to go hospital to have the back checked,hence he cursed but i didnt care,i was off to home park the next morning with the lads to watch the blues,trouble is,as im sure you will remember all to well paul,the game was called off due to a water logged pitch and re arranged for the following nite!the lads put it to the vote and we was all in favour ov staying down untill the next day enabling us to watch us thrash (as it turned out) plymouth 6-1.we set off home straight after the game and arrived safely back in manchester around 5.30 thursday morning,didnt bother going bed as had work at eight so just some brekkie and set off to meet my doom!! soon as i got ther he was waiting and give me my marching orders! didnt have too much time to worry bout it as i had to get ready for the trip back down to home park on the friday nite as we then played them in the league on the saturday,wich we won 1-0!happy days. all the best Lakey and thanks for giving us a great year back in 88/89.
Closest I came to losing a job was Crystal Palace midweek away in the league cup.
Told them I was going regardless. Bottled it on the day a bit, so went in for half a day and
left at lunchtime. Took the following morning off because we didn't get back til after 3AM.
They must have taken a bit of pity on me as nothing was said.
City lost 4-0.
Got chucked by a bird when I refused to take her to Sheffield United away. Saw her that night, she wasn't too impressed that I was drunk, and after a ride!!!
Sure we lost that one too.
No not really but got more than a right bollocking once, I was a Cop in the early 90`s and as we covered Maine Road got the chance to watch most games.
This particular game was a mid-week one against Norwich, I was between the City fans and the Norwich fans at the back of the old Kippax ( for the obvious reasons), Norwich had gone one up and were giving it some and then I think it was Stever McMahon (might have been Gary Megson though) scored a screamer from outside the box.
Me, totally forgetting who I was and what I was there for started jumping up and down celebrating with my fellow City fans, helmet flying all over and shouting the `odd` swear word at the Norwich fans, obviously they didn`t take too kindly to this and started kicking off, once it calmed down my Sergeant kicked me (and my team) out of the ground.

The next day I was reported to my Superindendant for causing a mini riot etc, got a right dressing down and me thinking I`m well in the sh1t here, but LUCKILY, he was a massive Blue and was the command for most matches so rather than getting banned from working the matches as I expected I had to sit in the command center (between the Main and North stand) and watch the games from there to keep me out of trouble, how gutted was I lol :-p.
Everton cup tie at Maine Road. Drew 0-0. Replay Goodison drew 0-0. Warned if i go to anymore away games during School I would be expelled. Replay at Wolves Lost 2-0 I think. Expelled.
2nd job after (leaving )school. A place that chrome plated things on Stockport Road. Sacked for taking to much time off following City.
Don't these people have any understanding.
Wife still not talking to me after selling the TV and glass Coffee table to go to Juventus away. So not everything is bad.
In 1983 I lived and worked in Liverpool.This included weekends but as soon as my boss left the site I would be in the car to see City when they were playing at home.The lads that covered for me were all Everton and Liverpool fans who thought I was crazy risking my job for a second division team!

Wouldnt dream of doing such a thing years later but at 21 I didnt care!
Tbilisi said:
In 1983 I lived and workeded in Liverpool.This included weekends but as soon as my boss left the site I would be in the car to see City when they were playing at home.The lads that covered for me were all Everton and Liverpool fans who thought I was crazy risking my job for a second division team!

Wouldnt dream of doing such a thing years later but at 21 I didnt care!

As for relationships,dont get me started.A new one nearly every time we got beaten!

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