'Bluffers guide to MCFC'

JohnMaddocksAxe said:
Dribble said:
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
I think a few people on this thread are trying to be a little bit too clever.

At no point in that 'explanation' does it state that this article was a joke or a parody.

It states it was written 'light hearted, a bit tongue in cheek, opening and welcoming'.

There is a clear difference between something being written in such a style and something being a joke, a parody, a pastiche or a piss take of similar articles or phenomenon.

It isn't a piss take, it is a shit article written with the sole intention hooking people who have no previous interest in the club and giving them some sort of knowledge with which to watch the cup final. All in the hope that it may lead to a small percentage of them becoming "fans of the brand".

The fact that it is written in a light hearted manner does not detract from that or suddenly transform it into a withering, ironic piss take.

If you think it is a piss of the rags then I suggest that you are hopelessly mistaken. Far from taking the piss out of the 'rag-esque' attitude that you think it is, it is actually evidence of such an attitude here - albeit disguised as light hearted.

Of course, all the publicity is a complete over reaction and slightly mad. In the scheme of things it is absolutely nothing and not worthy of note. But make no mistake that the intention behind the article was much more "promote the brand" than "take the piss out of rags." (Unless the writer is the worst comedy writer in history) And this sort of priority, desperation to attract people who have little interest in City - often at the expense of the long term fan - (which some on this thread seem to thing is very ragish) is more than alive and well at the higher levels within this club
Mate, the spirit in which the article was written has been completely lost on you and the other thing you've lost is the plot! :-)

If you say so....
That I do!
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
I think a few people on this thread are trying to be a little bit too clever.

At no point in that 'explanation' does it state that this article was a joke or a parody.

It states it was written 'light hearted, a bit tongue in cheek, opening and welcoming'.

There is a clear difference between something being written in such a style and something being a joke, a parody, a pastiche or a piss take of similar articles or phenomenon.

It isn't a piss take, it is a shit article written with the sole intention hooking people who have no previous interest in the club and giving them some sort of knowledge with which to watch the cup final. All in the hope that it may lead to a small percentage of them becoming "fans of the brand".

The fact that it is written in a light hearted manner does not detract from that or suddenly transform it into a withering, ironic piss take.

If you think it is a piss of the rags then I suggest that you are hopelessly mistaken. Far from taking the piss out of the 'rag-esque' attitude that you think it is, it is actually evidence of such an attitude here - albeit disguised as light hearted.

Of course, all the publicity is a complete over reaction and slightly mad. In the scheme of things it is absolutely nothing and not worthy of note. But make no mistake that the intention behind the article was much more "promote the brand" than "take the piss out of rags." (Unless the writer is the worst comedy writer in history) And this sort of priority, desperation to attract people who have little interest in City - often at the expense of the long term fan - (which some on this thread seem to thing is very ragish) is more than alive and well at the higher levels within this club

Sums it up perfectly.

The club have been superb with the digital media stuff and have been winning lots of worldwide fans over without the need for something as corny as this.

Sure lessons have been learnt, couldve been done in a subtle/witty way....
Have some of you actually read the shite you are coming out with?

Do you really still believe that it was a piss take out of the rags and their tourist fans? Seriously?

How the fuck do you think the club will make it's money to compete at the club for years to come? The 45,000 that turn up for league games or the 25,000 that turn up for cup games? Who are we extending the ground for?

The last thing the club want to do is take the piss out of new fans who will fund our success in the future.

Wake up ffs.
I read it as meant to be a (badly written) light-hearted piss-take. The funniest thing is how many have taken it seriously tbh
Berkovic_blue said:
I read it as meant to be a (badly written) light-hearted piss-take. The funniest thing is how many have taken it seriously tbh

It isnt a piss take the club have issued a follow up statement

"Of course, as a club that's gaining wider international exposure we will get interest from people who haven't been fans before. We will need to find a way to welcome them into the City way of life - and maybe the reaction to this story suggests we need to have a conversation with the lifelong fans about the best way to do that."

Weve took the piss out of the rags for pandering to foreign/plastic support and this article did exactly that, even if it attempted to do it in a toungue-in-cheek kinda way.

Had tons of messages off mates who support other clubs saying they didnt expect this kinda thing off us and I agree.

Sure the club had best intentions but lessons need to be learnt.
Lets say it was a 'piss take of the rags' - I'm pretty outraged that people who work for the club feel the need to do this the week we get into the CL and play a cup final.

But it's not a piss take of the rags. It's a way of saying 'we're not just a Mancunian club'.
Honestly, if this was written and produced my the rags then I'd be miking this for all it's worth.

I've tried to pretend it's satire or ironic but it's not. It's patronising, cheesy to the point of sounding remedial and utterly fucking pointless.

If new fans want to get to know the club, the culture, the history etc then they will do off their own backs. If they aren't interested then this article is hardly likely to change things.<br /><br />-- Thu May 12, 2011 7:20 pm --<br /><br />
liamctid said:
Lets say it was a 'piss take of the rags' - I'm pretty outraged that people who work for the club feel the need to do this the week we get into the CL and play a cup final.

But it's not a piss take of the rags. It's a way of saying 'we're not just a Mancunian club'.

It's definitely not a piss take.

I disagree that it's simply 'we're not just a Mancunian club' though. I've no beef with any City fan, not arsed where they're from, where they born etc, not interested. I've nothing against people who got into Football/City last week, we all have to start somewhere.

My problem is that the guide is aimed at the dick in the pub, the **** in the street, the twat in the cornershop, it's advice for new fans isn't along the lines of any advice you or I would give - instead it tells fans to lie about Colin Bell being a favourite player of theirs or to just check online and copy others rather than form an original opinion.

It's a guide for how to be the cock end in the pub with a big gob not how to be a new Manchester City fan and that's where the problem lies.
The club should have held their nerve and not wrote any excuses about this article. F@ck em all and stand your ground would be my advice to the website folk. Welcome new blues as much and in whatever way the club is happy with.

Disgusted with the over the top reaction. Maybe I'm just another plastic though.
Well even if it's not a pisstake I can't say I'm overly bothered (other than the quality of the writing lol). People saying it's making us a laughing stock, get a grip ffs, it's only an article on the website. We're finishing at least 4th and in a cup final, if people want to laugh at us let them!

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