bnp have an elected mep

They are racist, thugs and Nazi's.

Surely though shouting down 1 million members of the populace who voted BNP as racist thugs and Nazi's isn't the answer!!!!!

Clearly the election of the BNP should now ensure the beginning of an honest debate on issues such as the failure of multi-culturalism, unwanted mass immigration, political correctness, the elevation of special interest groups, and the politicisation of the police, etc,

The days of Just shouting someone down as "racist scum" because he/she tries to talk about these issues just isn't good enough anymore is it?
I see this thread has drawn out the usual excuse makers, trying to be clever by using the old "but you are intolerant because you don't like the BNP and you are seething so you are more anti democratic and stuff and, and, and, and, er something about liberals (even though I am using the term in completely the wrong context - it's not America) and something else about 'lefties' (despite the BNP being the most hard left of any party with an MEP)" line and associated guff.

Now, what this fails to understand is that hardly anyone who is disgusted by the BNP and their $hite would deny them the right to stand. Saying that are all c**ts and pricks is exactly what they want when they whinge about their beloved BNP not getting enough coverage - free speech.

So suck up up, flowers. Most people think the party are c**ts. The BNP claim to be all about free speech. So that's what most people are going to say about them if we stick to their number one whinging line.

Try to be clever as much as you like with the 'seething' lines and 'intolerance' lines. It doesn't work. The BNP is fundementally less tolerant, more seething and more divisive than virtually anyone who criticisise them. It's their ideology. You're on a complete loser from the start with that one.

Keep trying to be clever and trot out copy cat versions of the intellectually bankrupt lines that Griffin likes to come out with to paint him as the persecuted little lamb. He hasn't managed to master them or give them any intellectual credence, instead showing himself up as a complete hypocrite, so his legions of internet and pub bore followers have got little chance of doing so.

How about we start a discussion about this self professed 'anti liberal', 'anti left' party's economic policy, which is something that is straight out of North Korea, if we are trying to be clever. It'll take a totally new theory of economics to explain that one away. Especially if we have to retain this 'right wing supermen' image.
Danbert, almost all the issues you highlight at the top of this page are 'opposed/debated/championed', however you want to put it, by the Tories and even UKIP.

They are viable options if you feel that strongly about them.

Instead of claiming that someone like the BNP needs to be encouraged or engaged in the political process, why not listen to the more serious voices that debate those issues from a sensible stance, instead of a stance that has gorwn out of facism and racism.

It's all very well to trot out the, we need to listen to the concerns raised by the BNP and then list mainstream political issues. But that line always ignores the fact that there are other voices that champion that cause and do not come from a background that idolises Hitler and the Nazis, or has links with the KKK and various other openly facist organisations. It's a complete cop out imo.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
der-bomber said:
l see that the leader of the British National Party , Nick Griffin MEP, who was democratically elected , had a brick thrown through the windscreen of his car last night.

Do the perpetrators not see the ultimate irony in using violence against so called Nazis...?

No - the real irony is this odious twat experiencing his very own Kristallnacht.
Now that is funny...

Nick Griffin is not a twat.

He is execrable, spiteful, swivel-eyed, poisonous little ****.
dannybcity said:
der-bomber said:
Fucking hell ,danny, you must be a quick typist....

That's why I quoted it, I don't try to pass off other people work as my own.

Have you read it?

Good work danny.
Probably wasted on the usual crypto-fascist clowns who post on here - the kind of hypocritical vermin who won't even admit that they are happy at the BNP's success.
Thats what really pisses me off most about this debacle - we all know the barmpots on here who probably voted for these loathesome turds,but how many have the balls to actually admit it?
No, they'll just stay in the background - starting their usual bullshit threads attacking Muslims/Socialists/Single Parents or whoever else is this weeks threat to society according to the Daily Mail.
Given the fact that Griffin's scrotes got elected,quite a lot of morons must have voted for them.
But no-one on this website,seemingly.
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
I see this thread has drawn out the usual excuse makers, trying to be clever by using the old "but you are intolerant because you don't like the BNP and you are seething so you are more anti democratic and stuff and, and, and, and, er something about liberals (even though I am using the term in completely the wrong context - it's not America) and something else about 'lefties' (despite the BNP being the most hard left of any party with an MEP)" line and associated guff.

Now, what this fails to understand is that hardly anyone who is disgusted by the BNP and their $hite would deny them the right to stand. Saying that are all c**ts and pricks is exactly what they want when they whinge about their beloved BNP not getting enough coverage - free speech.

So suck up up, flowers. Most people think the party are c**ts. The BNP claim to be all about free speech. So that's what most people are going to say about them if we stick to their number one whinging line.

Try to be clever as much as you like with the 'seething' lines and 'intolerance' lines. It doesn't work. The BNP is fundementally less tolerant, more seething and more divisive than virtually anyone who criticisise them. It's their ideology. You're on a complete loser from the start with that one.

Keep trying to be clever and trot out copy cat versions of the intellectually bankrupt lines that Griffin likes to come out with to paint him as the persecuted little lamb. He hasn't managed to master them or give them any intellectual credence, instead showing himself up as a complete hypocrite, so his legions of internet and pub bore followers have got little chance of doing so.

How about we start a discussion about this self professed 'anti liberal', 'anti left' party's economic policy, which is something that is straight out of North Korea, if we are trying to be clever. It'll take a totally new theory of economics to explain that one away. Especially if we have to retain this 'right wing supermen' image.

Well written and well said.
this was always going to happen and i for one am glad it has ! immigrants are becoming far to common for my liking and the british people are always last ! britain is just a dumping ground now and the british people are starting to come round ! some peolple might make excuses saying everyone that votes BNP are racist but really they are realists . we can all see whats going on in this country and we dont speak out . you fly the st georges flag you get called a racist . people need to get a grip . BNP have been voted in for a reason and thats a fact , british people are starting to take a stand . were not all disillusioned !

CHBLUE said:
this was always going to happen and i for one am glad it has ! immigrants are becoming far to common for my liking and the british people are always last ! britain is just a dumping ground now and the british people are starting to come round ! some peolple might make excuses saying everyone that votes BNP are racist but really they are realists . we can all see whats going on in this country and we dont speak out . you fly the st georges flag you get called a racist . people need to get a grip . BNP have been voted in for a reason and thats a fact , british people are starting to take a stand . were not all disillusioned !


I always find this amusing in Britain, a populace that's crawling over itself to live abroad (or get pissed abroad), that they squeal about immigration. Stop Brits going abroad first and then complain. Because economically immigration saves the locals money. The government doesn't have to educate those adults who arrive and they get below average wages.

Don't forget to throw St. George (that rotten Turk) out before you close the door.

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