bnp have an elected mep

brooklandsblue2.0 said:
ernesto said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Note to all the 'liberati' on here.

BNP gave this government a bloody nose-FACT.

They pissed on all the left wing 'finge' partys

IF the 'big three' grew a pair and got a bit tougher on immigration the BNP would not have two MEP's right now.

You may not like the BNP but they clearly represent what a lot of people WHO BOTHERED TO VOTE feel.

And no I did not vote BNP, I like a lot of what they say and if they got rid of the racist shite I may consider it.

P.S-if you actually look at what their policies are (not what you are told to believe) most of their non racist policies are straight out of a socialist handbook.....
whats a finge party oracle?

Open your wallet, pull out your membership card......that is a fringe party thicko.
are you a finge party oracle?
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
ernesto said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
night night trigger.
is that the best you can do oracle?

I have a real job Trig, I'd love to shoot the breeze with your fine self to the wee hours but alas I must chase the almighty dollar.
so you`ve been to toys r us again have you oracle?
'white working class scum' is how the BNP see me and my family.

Glad it isn't just Black people, Asian people, any foreign person in fact, women and homosexuals that the party who deny the holocaust and claim rape does'nt exist.
der-bomber said:
l thought it was the 'white working class scum' who were getting the blame off the 'main-stream' parties for voting for the BNP, so called 'council estate politics' to coin a phrase l heard today...

I wouldn't call people 'scum' based on their living conditions to be fair but I've read the BNP ridiculing their often mentioned council estate following as 'white working class scum' etc.

It's a shame a lot of people can't see through them but I suppose lack of education coupled with a simplistic taste in culture will lead many potentially good people astray.

Saw a red on facebook the other day bigging up the BNP, his profile pic?...................Eric Cantona, french bloke employed in England, hates racism, irony is lost on most people I suppose.
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Note to all the 'liberati' on here.

BNP gave this government a bloody nose-FACT.

They pissed on all the left wing 'finge' partys

IF the 'big three' grew a pair and got a bit tougher on immigration the BNP would not have two MEP's right now.

You may not like the BNP but they clearly represent what a lot of people WHO BOTHERED TO VOTE feel.

And no I did not vote BNP, I like a lot of what they say and if they got rid of the racist shite I may consider it.

P.S-if you actually look at what their policies are (not what you are told to believe) most of their non racist policies are straight out of a socialist handbook.....

So you would consider voting for a 'socialist' party? I find this rather odd given how you spend a lot of your time on here bashing 'lefties'.

And again, you can't disassociate the hatred from the rest of the BNP's policies, as it is integral to them.
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Note to all the 'liberati' on here.

BNP gave this government a bloody nose-FACT.

They pissed on all the left wing 'finge' parties

IF the 'big three' grew a pair and got a bit tougher on immigration the BNP would not have two MEP's right now.

You may not like the BNP but they clearly represent what a lot of people WHO BOTHERED TO VOTE feel.

And no I did not vote BNP, I like a lot of what they say and if they got rid of the racist shite I may consider it.

P.S-if you actually look at what their policies are (not what you are told to believe) most of their non racist policies are straight out of a socialist handbook.....

If that's what the BNP did to Labour, what did the Greens do? They had more votes than the neo-fascists but don't let the FACTs get in your way.

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