bnp have an elected mep

Good! (even though I didnt vote BNP) Wake up call for the 3 major party's!! stop lining your own pockets and get back working on improving the state of the country. if you did your job properly partys like BNP wouldnt even get a look in.

and ask for these fools throwing eggs. Why don't you actually get a job, help out the econamy instead of draining it! Or how about promoting OTHER party's instead of giving BNP all this publisty that hurts your cause
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
I did not vote BNP as I do not agree with their racist view, as I said IF you look beyond this the party talk a lot of sense on other issues

I wouldn't say that, some of their other policies are just as worrying. Although I don't think they officially want to "annex" the ROI anymore so maybe they are becoming more populist.
emptypockets said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
I did not vote BNP as I do not agree with their racist view, as I said IF you look beyond this the party talk a lot of sense on other issues

I wouldn't say that, some of their other policies are just as worrying. Although I don't think they officially want to "annex" the ROI anymore so maybe they are becoming more populist.

i said something simlair earlier on in the thread. when tony morris on granada reports questioned him on repatriation, he said there was 'no policy' on it as it would be volantary. that was 1 day into his 'reign'. who betting they become more liberal?
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
I did not vote BNP as I do not agree with their racist view, as I said IF you look beyond this the party talk a lot of sense on other issues, you can label me what you want, if you think Im a racist go and speak to the folk down at Abduls if BB2.0 is a racist, all the mainly black football team that I coached for two years in Longsight.

What I do fully respect is the BNP's right to exist. What I find rather amusing are the people who claim to be 'oh so liberal' but are now trying to deny the BNP's right to be here, that's called censorship and goes against every fibre of free liberal thinking.....go figure/.

Which bits are these 'a lot of sense' views then? Given that their policy handbook amounts to nothing more thana few catchphrases and the outline of an economic policy from North Korea, I'd love to know.

Is the fact that someone can repeat a soundbite that says "British jobs for British workers" without having the first idea as to how what they propose could be achieved in the real world, what the economic impact would be, how this is modelled, etc?

If the criteria for a politician 'speaking sense' in your world is that they have a couple of soundbites that are catchy but go no further than that and have no way of seriously implementing them without taking us back to a third world economy then I don't know what to say.

Or perhaps the sense they speak is "no to the expenses bastards in the Commons". Wow, revolutionary stuff there", Real sense that no-one else has ever said. A tad hypocritical given that the party is riddled with convicted criminals and the elected officials that they have had in the past have turned out to almost uniformly be out of that depth and an embarrassment to their public positions.

I'm not sure what else this 'sense' could be, given that there's little else of substance (not that the above soundbites constitute substance either) to them.

Perhaps it's the 'imiigration' stance that they take. Well, considering that all the main parties say they are in favour of stringent immigration procedures (you might not believe them, but they say it and you seem to buy into the fairytale policies that the BNP just say) and that UKIP is also for a stop on immigration for five years, then I don't see how their immigration stance is unique either.

Well, I do actually, it's the repatriation bit which is straight from the Nazi handbook, so perhaps it's this that makes them unique in your eyes and is the 'sense' bit. Who knows?

By the way, the two posts earlier in this thread where I pointed out that there was a clown on here who was constantly using the lie about The Black Police Association not allowing white members - a lie that Nick Griffin is very fond of spouting. Well, that happened to be you. Funny that, isn't it. Which is it? Happy to spread lies that people like Griffin spread in order to gain false credence for their nasty views? Or just really easily influenced and will willingly believe and spread any old $hite if it fits in with the prejudices that you want to defend?

Gien the boasting about IQ further up, I presume it has to be the former.

Anyway, I make check back in later to see whether the 'bits that make sense' have been described. Surely, given the IQ boasting, it's not going to consist of a cople of daft soundbites and the completely unworkable comedies of ideas that are apparently supposed to pass for their serious policies?

I would check your spelling first..h2hx12111
Whilst I agree that there have to be tighter controls on immigration, I detest what this party stands for. They are basically NF relaunched under political disguise.

Im mixed race. My Grandad on my fathers side fought in WWII and my Great Grandad on my mothers side fought in WWI. Both sides of my family are British through and through, yet one of my Grandmothers is from the Caribbean. Basically, in the BNPs eyes that makes me not a true Brit......and they'd want me to p*ss off back to Jamaica even though I have never been there and only 1 of my relatives was not born here or has true roots here.

Some of the BNP supporters have no doubt been claiming benefits for years, to which I have been contributing since I left college, yet they seem to think that they have more right to live here than me....

The BNP are racists, no matter what any of them claim to be.
BurnCK said:
Whilst I agree that there have to be tighter controls on immigration, I detest what this party stands for. They are basically NF relaunched under political disguise.

Im mixed race. My Grandad on my fathers side fought in WWII and my Great Grandad on my mothers side fought in WWI. Both sides of my family are British through and through, yet one of my Grandmothers is from the Caribbean. Basically, in the BNPs eyes that makes me not a true Brit......and they'd want me to p*ss off back to Jamaica even though I have never been there and only 1 of my relatives was not born here or has true roots here.

Some of the BNP supporters have no doubt been claiming benefits for years, to which I have been contributing since I left college, yet they seem to think that they have more right to live here than me....

The BNP are racists, no matter what any of them claim to be.

Can you send me back some rum when you go mate?
mrcunny said:
ElanJo said:
As for the BNP. They are a racist/fascist organization and anybody who votes for them, knowing this, should hang their heads in shame. If they voted for them not knowing that they are fascists then why the hell are you voting? I'm an anarchist, but do the others who do vote a favour and do not vote until you have atleast some basic understanding of politics in this country!

This is simple. If you voted for the BNP you're either a scumbag or fucking stupid. That's it.

Did you vote bnp? id got you down as a loyal supporter..

Mind the tumbleweed.
mrcunny said:
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
I did not vote BNP as I do not agree with their racist view, as I said IF you look beyond this the party talk a lot of sense on other issues, you can label me what you want, if you think Im a racist go and speak to the folk down at Abduls if BB2.0 is a racist, all the mainly black football team that I coached for two years in Longsight.

What I do fully respect is the BNP's right to exist. What I find rather amusing are the people who claim to be 'oh so liberal' but are now trying to deny the BNP's right to be here, that's called censorship and goes against every fibre of free liberal thinking.....go figure/.

Which bits are these 'a lot of sense' views then? Given that their policy handbook amounts to nothing more thana few catchphrases and the outline of an economic policy from North Korea, I'd love to know.

Is the fact that someone can repeat a soundbite that says "British jobs for British workers" without having the first idea as to how what they propose could be achieved in the real world, what the economic impact would be, how this is modelled, etc?

If the criteria for a politician 'speaking sense' in your world is that they have a couple of soundbites that are catchy but go no further than that and have no way of seriously implementing them without taking us back to a third world economy then I don't know what to say.

Or perhaps the sense they speak is "no to the expenses bastards in the Commons". Wow, revolutionary stuff there", Real sense that no-one else has ever said. A tad hypocritical given that the party is riddled with convicted criminals and the elected officials that they have had in the past have turned out to almost uniformly be out of that depth and an embarrassment to their public positions.

I'm not sure what else this 'sense' could be, given that there's little else of substance (not that the above soundbites constitute substance either) to them.

Perhaps it's the 'imiigration' stance that they take. Well, considering that all the main parties say they are in favour of stringent immigration procedures (you might not believe them, but they say it and you seem to buy into the fairytale policies that the BNP just say) and that UKIP is also for a stop on immigration for five years, then I don't see how their immigration stance is unique either.

Well, I do actually, it's the repatriation bit which is straight from the Nazi handbook, so perhaps it's this that makes them unique in your eyes and is the 'sense' bit. Who knows?

By the way, the two posts earlier in this thread where I pointed out that there was a clown on here who was constantly using the lie about The Black Police Association not allowing white members - a lie that Nick Griffin is very fond of spouting. Well, that happened to be you. Funny that, isn't it. Which is it? Happy to spread lies that people like Griffin spread in order to gain false credence for their nasty views? Or just really easily influenced and will willingly believe and spread any old $hite if it fits in with the prejudices that you want to defend?

Gien the boasting about IQ further up, I presume it has to be the former.

Anyway, I make check back in later to see whether the 'bits that make sense' have been described. Surely, given the IQ boasting, it's not going to consist of a cople of daft soundbites and the completely unworkable comedies of ideas that are apparently supposed to pass for their serious policies?

I would check your spelling first..h2hx12111


Well, you don't seem to have any serious contrubutions or answers to the questions posed, so why don't you do it for me.

No doubt you are whacking one off thinking that in one swift sentence you have become this forum's foremost satirist and shown everyone how clever you are and how you can dismiss someone's argument in one stroke of your keyboard.

Trouble is, from where I'm sitting, it just looks like it's following a trend of making yourself look stupid with attempts to do the same to others that a 12 year old would blush at.

"You've made a typo , na, na, na, na, na, na."

l will one day get round to composing an epic post that will end this argument once and for all....but in the meantime l am a little busy trying to keep at bay the hordes of Eastern Europeans ,who are threatening mine and my business associates livelihoods by attempting to muscle in on all the 'Doors', Amusement Arcades, Car Washes and T-shirts in the sleepy little provincial seaside town where l live...

lts turning into the Wild-West l tell ya...

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