bnp have an elected mep

FFS not posted for a bit but been reading some of this and I have to say I haven't voted BNP ever but not because I think their racist but because they are not as capable as any of the other party's out there. Yes they may of said some things in the past that some people have found offensive but that's down to opinions.Their trying to get rid of this racism tag, coming up with some good policy's on immigration and so on.(I personally feel we should adopt a similar system to the Aussies.)

Most of us know this country is getting too full of foreigners whether it be free loading of tax payers,coming to live or taking jobs that a good part of 3 million British people need not apply for any more it's about time we took care of ourself and I for one am glad there is a party for the "forgotten" even if they are not complete as a party yet but are slowly getting there act together now as I have noticed the past year or two. They ARE coming up with some good policy's, saying the right things now, keen to get rid of there bad name the muppet's of this country thrust upon them like the all British(white) groups of idiots who obviously have not got half a brain between them throwing eggs and shouting terrible and slanderous stuff towards them holding banners against racism which is far from what they are whilst trying to make out the BNP are the bad ones.

I must stress I am not a BNP voter or fan I just see a party with the right heart,I have heard alot of sense from them recently on immigration and heritage, their trying to become a credited party they are changing and just want the best for the British people lets face it Nick Griffin aint Hitler and the BNP have less chance of getting into power than i do being City's all time top scorer.
ernesto said:
so you say your`e a "business person" if a white anglo-saxon person takes business of you thats ok? but heaven forbid an illegal immigrant does it its a no no, its called capitalism you play the game, i try not to

Amongst other things, l run twelve Doors in my town, employing 60 door Staff ,6 of whom are Black, all are courteous, professional, well paid and well trained.

An Albanian gentleman thinks he can do a better job, unfortunately his prospective door staff cannot speak English and will be on minimum wage, but paid cash in hand, thereby avoiding Income Tax, l would assume.

His Tender has been knocked back, so he has resorted to threatening and intimidating customers.

I could regale countless other similar stories from the real world, but that would spoil your little internet delusion.....
der-bomber said:
ernesto said:
so you say your`e a "business person" if a white anglo-saxon person takes business of you thats ok? but heaven forbid an illegal immigrant does it its a no no, its called capitalism you play the game, i try not to

Amongst other things, l run twelve Doors in my town, employing 60 door Staff ,6 of whom are Black, all are courteous, professional, well paid and well trained.

An Albanian gentleman thinks he can do a better job, unfortunately his prospective door staff cannot speak English and will be on minimum wage, but paid cash in hand, thereby avoiding Income Tax, l would assume.

His Tender has been knocked back, so he has resorted to threatening and intimidating customers.

I could regale countless other similar stories from the real world, but that would spoil your little internet delusion.....
if you say so you are becoming a little tedious, everyone is to blame for your short comings but you yawn
ernesto said:
der-bomber said:
ernesto said:
so you say your`e a "business person" if a white anglo-saxon person takes business of you thats ok? but heaven forbid an illegal immigrant does it its a no no, its called capitalism you play the game, i try not to

Amongst other things, l run twelve Doors in my town, employing 60 door Staff ,6 of whom are Black, all are courteous, professional, well paid and well trained.

An Albanian gentleman thinks he can do a better job, unfortunately his prospective door staff cannot speak English and will be on minimum wage, but paid cash in hand, thereby avoiding Income Tax, l would assume.

His Tender has been knocked back, so he has resorted to threatening and intimidating customers.

I could regale countless other similar stories from the real world, but that would spoil your little internet delusion.....
if you say so you are becoming a little tedious, everyone is to blame for your short comings but you yawn

I tried to be reasonable and debate pertinent issues ,but it is impossible with a clown like you ,who just leaches from the state and wanks himself silly in his bedsit everynight.

You, ernesto (Andy) are the most worthless poster on this site and have nothing of substance to offer, it is apparent for all to see.

ln fact l am in total agreement with my buddy who had the misfortune to meet you in, 'made his skin crawl ' ......his words not mine.
ElanJo said:
kronkonite said:
ElanJo said:
kronkonite said:
Intervention -huge capital projects,internationalism are the answer to the Nazi threat

laissez faire capitalism must not squeeze ordinary people into nazi choices

What the hell are you gibbering on about?

fuck off
if there's one thing worse than a fascist thug it's an anarchist know all

kropotkin had it right in your case

Yes, of course, someone who objects to the initiation of force, servitude, and the negative impacts of statism is worse than a fascist thug. Do you have any brains whatsoever?

The problem you have is that you just throw out slogans without backing them up with any reasoned argument or evidence. I've tried to engage in a debate with you countless times since I've been a member here but you either conveniently ignore my points and/or just spout more baseless slogans.
here's another baseless slogan for you
I have nothing but slogans to say to you I have no wish to debate with you
go away
Why is it that whenever a serious thread appears on here the usual cock jockeys end up slagging each other off post after post after post?

Why can't you all accept that i'm right and the rest of you are wrong?
Auf der Heide blüht ein kleines Blümelein
Und das heißt: Erika
Heiß von hunderttausend kleine Bienelein
Wird umschwärmt Erika.
Denn ihr Herz ist voller Süßigkeit,
Zarter Duft eintströmt dem Blumenkleid
Auf der Heide blüht ein kleines Blümelein
Und das heißt: Erika

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