bob out mart in?

Does anyone know where you can watch the Birmingham game this afternoon in town?????????????????????????????
Rammy Blue said:
de niro said:
i am gutted we derailed our season, bob has not yet the players or the nous to win enough games in the prem. he's learning but will be out the door before it all clicks.

hughes had to go purely because of the run of draws, we looked shaky, once the desision was made we should not have appointed a caretaker manager who although great in italy had no idea what the prem was all about. no one gets the time to learn their trade in the prem.
is that clear enough for you?

60% win ratio not enough for you?
<br /><br />-- Sun Apr 04, 2010 10:24 am --<br /><br />Does anyone know where I can watch the Birmingham game in Manchester later?????????????
Soulboy said:
de niro said:
lol, i dont need you or anyone else's approval of what i post, or how i percieve the fuck up of our season.
i have been watching city a long time, of course i have seen the good days too but this chance of success has been a long time coming and i dont want it wasted.

i can live with the "celebrity" bit i dont get a choice but can use that promote bluemoon whenever i can.

the o'niell might have been a bit of teasing but i am deadly searious when i said i wanted hughes to stay and would have him still to be here. bob has still to convince me we made the the right choice. i am interested to see how he does with his own players.
with the time and money i have put in to city over the years i am entitled to have my say, you can think what the fuck you like.

no sarcasm, no teasing, no credablity intended.

"... the fuck up of our season..."

Best season in 30 years? A tad harsh don'tcha think?
this just proves how shit we have been and what we as fans have had to put up with, hence not wanting to waste our chance of a lifetime. in fairness its not down to him that we are not clear in 4th, he should have been brought in last august or not at all. mind you then hughes would be in the top 4 and unsackable, we would'nt want that now would we.
it all points to bob agreeing a 6 month deal though why he would do that is beyond me.
de niro said:
Soulboy said:
"... the fuck up of our season..."

Best season in 30 years? A tad harsh don'tcha think?
this just proves how shit we have been and what we as fans have had to put up with, hence not wanting to waste our chance of a lifetime. in fairness its not down to him that we are not clear in 4th, he should have been brought in last august or not at all. mind you then hughes would be in the top 4 and unsackable, we would'nt want that now would we.
it all points to bob agreeing a 6 month deal though why he would do that is beyond me.

the bold I agree with, however the italics is the bit I have a problem with. We got battered by Spurs 3-0 and we were only going backwards, and in reality there was absolutely no guarantee of anything under Hughes, which is why we sacked him. I honestly believe we wouldn't have got 4th under him, but that he should have been removed the day the takeover was completed, and if not that then the end of last season. But anyway we have Mancini and so there's no need for people like you to badger on about Hughes when we are in 4th and are having a very good season and are progressing, you really are just desperate to hate some things.
de niro said:
Soulboy said:
"... the fuck up of our season..."

Best season in 30 years? A tad harsh don'tcha think?
this just proves how shit we have been and what we as fans have had to put up with, hence not wanting to waste our chance of a lifetime. in fairness its not down to him that we are not clear in 4th, he should have been brought in last august or not at all. mind you then hughes would be in the top 4 and unsackable, we would'nt want that now would all points to bob agreeing a 6 month deal though why he would do that is beyond me.

Would have been made up if Hughes had achieved that. But it was never going to happen. We were a disorganized rabble under Mark and nothing you can say will convince me otherwise.

And just to point out it is not Mancini supporters that are keeping this thing alive. It is those befuddled Hughes men who just can't accept that he was replaced by a better manager. Let it go and enjoy what we are doing.
de niro said:
Soulboy said:
"... the fuck up of our season..."

Best season in 30 years? A tad harsh don'tcha think?
this just proves how shit we have been and what we as fans have had to put up with, hence not wanting to waste our chance of a lifetime. in fairness its not down to him that we are not clear in 4th, he should have been brought in last august or not at all. mind you then hughes would be in the top 4 and unsackable, we would'nt want that now would we.
it all points to bob agreeing a 6 month deal though why he would do that is beyond me.

All the evidence points to this being incorrect and is in fact the reason he was sacked.
He wasn't sacked because of Bobby, he was sacked because he was not meeting his targets.
In half a season Bobby has recovered the shortfall and we are now back on target. Bobby has averaged 2 points per game, Hughes average this season was 1.7 and las season much lower.

The real truth of the matter is that many people invested all their hope in the Carling Cup semi and when we lost they blamed Mancini. The common but completely irrational thought was that if Hughes was still in charge we would have won. There is no evidence to back up that notion but it is the emotional defence many have chosen.
Interesting thing underlying the Hughes sacking debate from "de niro" and I think he is genuinely concerned (why it was done?) so am I. If Burnley sack the manager today, we'd all know why, so although I didn't rate Hughes much, but still think he should of got to the end of the season.
It makes you wonder what the board might do next with the 6month contract, Mancini is supposed to have and who they might bring in.
Clueless should have been sacked in Dec 08 after we lost away to WBA, we would be in the hunt for the title now except for that major error.
In fact, I was quite surprised to see Onuoha start yesterday, considering the number of times de niro has sold/loaned him out.

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