Bobby Gunning For Karl-Heinz Rummenigge!

bayern blade said:
jrb said:

Perhaps you could explain to me what the moral high ground is? I have yet to meet a United fan who can explain this so called moral high ground, regarding how their money and success has been achieved.

Are we City fans supposed to feel ashamed because Manosur has decided to invest £1bill in City, while the likes of United, Bayern, etc, can only look on and think what if.

TBH I couldn't give a shit how Bayern or any other club in Europe got their money and success, because every single one of those clubs would have loved an owner like Mansour, who would have used his vast wealth to better any of those clubs on and off the pitch.

Your club is like United. It plays in red and is hated by everyone. Where's your moral high ground now?

Well where to start :-) ?

Firstly who is claiming any moral highground ? I have my views on foreign ownership and they wouldn't sit comfortably with yours but I didn't bring it up and I've no intention of starting a row about it.
We certainly don't think "what if", we are happy with the 51% rule which prevents foreign take overs in Germany, we do very well as we are and are happy to be debt free.
You can't possibly compare Bayern with Man United. We have had to cope with the likes of them, Madrid, Barca etc buying players for tens of millions for years despite being vastly in debt, we only buy players when we are in the black.
Man United, like most PL clubs, have no right to claim any moral highground, Bundesliga rules would see us relegated if we were run like they are.
They tried to prise Ribery and Schweinsteiger away from us and failed, they tried to sign Neuer before us and failed.
Bayern are well run, well managed and (generally) well respected. Even most of the Bayern haters in Germany admit that.
Year in year out Bayern dole out cash to save the likes of Hertha, Hannover, Dresden, St.Pauli from going to the wall.
I was well impressed with City fans during the banter before the first game, one or two are letting themselves down a little here. Rummenigge has at no point said any of the crap I've seen attributed to him in the British press about "Finishing City off", it's bollocks.
He simply said that as City are a potentially bigger threat in the later stages of the competition he would be happy to see Napoli go through and he has a good point.
What the fück is wrong with saying that ?

For me as an Englishman the game has a fair bit of interest but for most of our fans, and certainly for the likes of Rummenigge, the game in Stuttgart on Sunday is much more important given the fact that we are already group winners.
It's just not the sort of game where the board are going to start making inflammatory comments. Having seen our likely starting line up Heynckes obviously thinks that way too as it seems a few of our top players are being rested.

Sorry mate but that is fucking bollocks. He hasn't shut up for 12 months, the bellend.

As for your feelings on foreign ownership, is that not a little hypocritical seeing as you are an immigrant yourself?

-- Tue Dec 06, 2011 8:13 pm --

Aequitas1987 said:
Another point all of you guys seem to be looking over because of emotional rants is that Rummenigge is one of the main originators and supporters of FFP and helped pass the law initially as this FFP comes more and more into fruition he is simply doing his job and keeping the spotlight on the one or two clubs who could suffer due to FFP, there is no harm in that. It keeps the spotlight on FFP which is what he wants. Man City and Chelsea are two of many large clubs across europe who could suffer.

Secondly, Bayern has always been the trademark for being a financially sound club. No other club can boast being 18 years in the black and still being able to regularly compete in Europe and for the league. There are no negatives to FFP. I would be saying this even If I was not a Bayern fan. It just makes absolute sense, it increases competition, it promotes youth development, it introduces sound financial management which is gravely lacking in a lot of clubs. City is not all f***** yet they could always follow the Real Madrid example, who spend a lot but they earn more via star power purchases, massive fan base etc, if City follow Madrids example they will be fine by the time FFP comes about.
Simply clueless, Absolutely bloody clueless, myoptic, idiotic and without thought. It kills competition, it crystalises the current status quo, it is the reason your twatty Karl wants it. He knows we are a threat, more than a threat in fact and he hates it. He knows our future is brighter than yours.
Mr Bayern Blade....Bayern executives, along with Platini, de Laurentiis of Napoli, Arsen Wenger, Ian Ayre (Liverpool executive) and countless others have taken pot shots at City and what they are doing without really being armed with the facts.

City have been chronically mismanaged at a commercial/executive level for nearly 40 years. The majority of the club from facilities to staff to players have been hugely underfunded in the main, barring a few vanity purchases from various psychotic and megalomaniacal chairmen.

We now have a fantastic owner who has accelerated a phase of purchasing just to bring us up to scratch with what a Premier team that can challenge for trophies should look like. Further investment has been made on training facilities - including the current project of building a world class academy based on the best there is out there. There has been significant investment in one of the most run down areas of Manchester with more to follow. Commercial deals are seeing inward investment into Manchester City - both FC and the city itself.

Over the coming years (see Swiss Ramble blog for details on how we can likely achieve FFP) you will see a slow down in player purchase, with maybe the odd big signing here and there if a valuable proposition comes to the market.

There is a very clear, well defined and currently fabulously well executed 10 year project plan in place to turn what was once the biggest basket case in English top flight football into a genuinely world class, self-sufficient football club.

The annoyance (speaking of believing all you read in the press), is that the talking heads and rent-a-quotes pay scant attention to the FACTS of what City are, what City are about and prefer instead to make cheap comments, soundbites and headlines.

Our owner is not going away anytime soon. He will see this project through to completion. What happens after that, who knows? We are debt free (he has converted debt to equity). We are aiming to be self sufficient. All I know is whether he keeps us or sells us, he will leave us in fantastic shape with a legacy few chairmen/club owners could ever wish to achieve.

I enjoy the debate. I enjoy the banter. But the ill-informed nonsense spoken by those with most to fear (ie a successful City side capable of usurping their spot in the firmament) speaks more of the arrogance of their clubs and of UEFA than it does of what City are really doing in the game.

In closing, watch this space. We are noted for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory so it's not beyond the realms of possibility it could all go pear shaped. But don't let anyone hate us for it. No one has a right or entitlement in football, but I believe City should enjoy their day in the sun as we have suffered so much humiliation, indignation and downright shambolic management over the last 40 years to have earned a shot at it.

Let the rollercoaster keep rolling.

Peace brother man.

From the 80's... some british band loved him...
Simply clueless, Absolutely bloody clueless, myoptic, idiotic and without thought. It kills competition, it crystalises the current status quo, it is the reason your twatty Karl wants it. He knows we are a threat, more than a threat in fact and he hates it. He knows our future is brighter than yours.

You clearly only look at the argument as a 1 way street. It does not crystalize the current status quo because they are the ones who are endangered by FFP in the first place. The only way the status quo remains in place year in and year out is to have purchasing power beyond their means and being able to exploit that while going continuously in debt, a.k.a the Chelsea, Manure, City, Barca, Inter.

Your thinking leads to the fact that the only way to become part of the status quo is to compete with them in financial terms in an ever-escalating ridiculous transfer market where the argument comes down to who has a bigger sugar daddy? Why not think about curbing the current big teams and moving them towards sound business management thereby restricting their power over other teams who are not part of the 'status quo' and thereby enabling them to invest in youth products/youth development, proper revenue streams via brand marketing and fan base growth.

Just take a breath and a step outside your biased bubble and assume for a second that if City had not become a financial powerhouse and a competitor/part of the Status Quo would you have been pro or against FFP? What has changed? If FFP was completely legitimate back then, why is it not now? Think about football as a global entity rather than from a biased point of view of your own club. Like I said, even If i was not a Bayern fan who has a lot to gain from FFP (Only because they have done right by the football world) I would still support FFP.

Strongbowholic now your points are way more interesting as I was not aware of this plan. This means that City does have a way to counter-act FFP and they are developing a plan around it. My only thing is that how quickly can this plan come to fruition? Could City be in the black without costing it a year worth of European competition? If that is possible then City do have the right management guiding them now.
Perhaps you Byaern fans can tell us how a club outside the Platini cartel(Real, Barca, United, Bayern, Inter, AC, etc) is supposed to make/break into the CL, and once in it, stay in it and compete in it on a level playing field?

Gone are the days when a football club can do that without serious money from a billionaire. How do you think the likes of Everton, Villa, Newcastle and a host of other German and European clubs will ever reach the CL with the introduction of FFPR. Well?

Let's get straight to the point. FFPR has been brought in by Platini, Rummenigge, etc, to protect the cartel and to appease the TV companies. The cartel, with the biggest stadiums, biggest, fans bases, and income/revenue will continue to be in the CL every season and dominate it. Every other club around Europe can get to f***. It's all being done under the guise of FFPR.

Put it this way. How can Manchester United who are in the region of £400mill in debt get away with FFPR? Their true debt isn't known as the Glazers have filled their accounts in some American backwater state where nobody can see the details. The same can be said of Real, Barca and a host of Europes top clubs, who owe 100's of millions to the banks.

Let me stae it again. FFPR is there to protect the cartel and to deny any club that wishes to gatecrash the party. Platini and Rummenigge are bullsi**ing you lot and your all falling for it.
Aequitas1987 said:
It does not crystalize the current status quo because they are the ones who are endangered by FFP in the first place.

Please explain. It's my understanding you can only spend what you make and you could be 800 mil in debt but if you make 100 mil from shirt sales, you can spend it. Yet you can have no debt but if you make 5 mil from shirt sales, that's all you can spend. Am I mistaken?

The big clubs with huge fanbases make huge money so can spend it. Any other club is thus restricted to buying cheaper players and can't compete. The only way to change that, a wealthy owner, is also forbidden in these protectionist rules.
strongbowholic said:
Mr Bayern Blade....Bayern executives, along with Platini, de Laurentiis of Napoli, Arsen Wenger, Ian Ayre (Liverpool executive) and countless others have taken pot shots at City and what they are doing without really being armed with the facts.

City have been chronically mismanaged at a commercial/executive level for nearly 40 years. The majority of the club from facilities to staff to players have been hugely underfunded in the main, barring a few vanity purchases from various psychotic and megalomaniacal chairmen.

We now have a fantastic owner who has accelerated a phase of purchasing just to bring us up to scratch with what a Premier team that can challenge for trophies should look like. Further investment has been made on training facilities - including the current project of building a world class academy based on the best there is out there. There has been significant investment in one of the most run down areas of Manchester with more to follow. Commercial deals are seeing inward investment into Manchester City - both FC and the city itself.

Over the coming years (see Swiss Ramble blog for details on how we can likely achieve FFP) you will see a slow down in player purchase, with maybe the odd big signing here and there if a valuable proposition comes to the market.

There is a very clear, well defined and currently fabulously well executed 10 year project plan in place to turn what was once the biggest basket case in English top flight football into a genuinely world class, self-sufficient football club.

The annoyance (speaking of believing all you read in the press), is that the talking heads and rent-a-quotes pay scant attention to the FACTS of what City are, what City are about and prefer instead to make cheap comments, soundbites and headlines.

Our owner is not going away anytime soon. He will see this project through to completion. What happens after that, who knows? We are debt free (he has converted debt to equity). We are aiming to be self sufficient. All I know is whether he keeps us or sells us, he will leave us in fantastic shape with a legacy few chairmen/club owners could ever wish to achieve.

I enjoy the debate. I enjoy the banter. But the ill-informed nonsense spoken by those with most to fear (ie a successful City side capable of usurping their spot in the firmament) speaks more of the arrogance of their clubs and of UEFA than it does of what City are really doing in the game.

In closing, watch this space. We are noted for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory so it's not beyond the realms of possibility it could all go pear shaped. But don't let anyone hate us for it. No one has a right or entitlement in football, but I believe City should enjoy their day in the sun as we have suffered so much humiliation, indignation and downright shambolic management over the last 40 years to have earned a shot at it.

Let the rollercoaster keep rolling.

Peace brother man.
Post of the day!
Truth is Rummenigge and the Bayern fans feel threatened by our rise.
Let them vent their bile. It won't help them a jot.

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