Book recommendations

The Papillon book was/is a fabulous read. In fact I found the film unbearable when I saw it years later. The book is just so vivid.

A third of the way through Clive Myrie’s book, and enjoying it so far. I hardly ever read or enjoy biographies, so the acid test will be if I manage to finish it. (One mention of City so far btw!).

Has anyone read The Seventh Son by Faulks? Published last year I think. Came across mention of it in an article few days ago, but digging a bit deeper, the reviews seem really mixed.
The second Papillon book Banco was a great read as well.
The second Papillon book Banco was a great read as well.
Never knew there was a second tbf, cheers.
Is that also “based on truth”? Without giving too much away, does it follow the same story straight from the end of the previous book?
Street Level Superstar , A Year With Lawrence - Will Hodgkinson

Indie musician Lawrence (Felt, Denim, Go Kart Mozart) who has never used the internet and apparently spends most of his time walking around London for no particular reason although its mentioned that he walked around Beckenham because Bowie once lived there and another area because the punk band Eater formed there.
Only about thirty pages in but it's an engrossing and darkly amusing read if you grew up on 80s indie particularly.
I've followed his career for over thirty years and I can't work out if he's serious or just having one big joke at our expense. If you know his post Felt work you'll know what I mean.
In some senses I feel uneasy that he is being exploited (there has already been a film about him Lawrence of Belgravia) as I assume that he has some kind of mental illness is autistic or has a substance problem. What comes across is someone who cannot deal with the 21st century but has a burning belief in the power of music.

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