Boris Johnson....

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al67 said:
Like all Tory tossers, he needs a slap.

Legend? because he makes a prick of himself in a badly fitting suit. Like a modern day Coco the clown, but shit.
I'm not a tory but now I want to be.

Come at me bro you chav scum.

(not nice generalising is it)

@rascal, how is he either a racist or a nazi you one trick fucking pony?

-- Wed Aug 29, 2012 8:48 pm --

I love him and enjoy the fact he winds so many cunts up.
SWP's back said:
al67 said:
Like all Tory tossers, he needs a slap.

Legend? because he makes a prick of himself in a badly fitting suit. Like a modern day Coco the clown, but shit.
I'm not a tory but now I want to me.

Come at me bro you chav scum.

(not nice generalising is it)

@rascal, how is he either a racist or a nazi you one trick fucking pony?

-- Wed Aug 29, 2012 8:48 pm --

I love him and enjoy the fact he winds so many cunts up.

Feed-The-Goat said:
SWP's back said:
@rascal, how is he either a racist or a nazi you one trick fucking pony?

Fucking LOL!
DOn't get me wrong, I don't mind a bit of debate and he may well have some unpopular policies (I've given up reading anyones policies on the grounds that deep down they are all cunts) but calling someone a nazi and racist is beyong the pale. It's not like he is bb2 or anything.
SWP's back said:
Feed-The-Goat said:
SWP's back said:
@rascal, how is he either a racist or a nazi you one trick fucking pony?

Fucking LOL!
DOn't get me wrong, I don't mind a bit of debate and he may well have some unpopular policies (I've given up reading anyones policies on the grounds that deep down they are all *****) but calling someone a nazi and racist is beyong the pale. It's not like he is bb2 or anything.

You may not be aware of his past.

He is BB2 like in his ideas and thinking, why do you think the tory right love him so much?

His clown personna is a fucking embarrasment and he is a racist fucking nazi.

God help us all if the **** ever gets near real power. He makes the likes of Portillo look left wing
SWP's back said:
Feed-The-Goat said:
SWP's back said:
@rascal, how is he either a racist or a nazi you one trick fucking pony?

Fucking LOL!
DOn't get me wrong, I don't mind a bit of debate and he may well have some unpopular policies (I've given up reading anyones policies on the grounds that deep down they are all cunts) but calling someone a nazi and racist is beyong the pale. It's not like he is bb2 or anything.

Russ knows we love him, and he's a smart man. I don't know why but the one trick pony bit just set me off.
SWP's back said:
Feed-The-Goat said:
SWP's back said:
@rascal, how is he either a racist or a nazi you one trick fucking pony?

Fucking LOL!
DOn't get me wrong, I don't mind a bit of debate and he may well have some unpopular policies (I've given up reading anyones policies on the grounds that deep down they are all *****) but calling someone a nazi and racist is beyong the pale. It's not like he is bb2 or anything.

As a part time racist and part time Nazi, i am deeply offended by this comment infering i am bb2 bad, if i ever meet you in a dark ally i shall....waive my tallywacker at you in disdain.
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