Botany Bay - Chorley

Blue2112 said:
stonerblue said:
What's 'botany bay', a shop or summat?

Why do they charge to get in?

It's a big mill which has been turned into a shopping outlet on the side of the M61 in Chorley. It's ok nothing special but they had a fair bit of City memorabilia on sale, some nice stuff for sure.

Cheers 2112. Think i'll drive right past.
stonerblue said:
What's 'botany bay', a shop or summat?

Why do they charge to get in?

It used to be an unspoiled beauty and a natural wonder of the new world, however it was developed and is now known as Sydney international airport
I think it's full of expensive tat to be honest. There's so much 'craftware' - i.e. homemade shite - and the price they ask is ridiculous. I couldn't believe how poor some of the paintings that they had for sale and the prices on them. It looked like a third year secondary school art exhbition.

The kids clothes were double the price you'd expect to pay for them and the gardening stuff was even more expensive than an expensive garden centre selling expensive things.

We went last year as our planned trip to Marten Mere had to be postponed as the weather turned nasty as we got there so we called in Botany Bay on the way back. I'd have prefered to look at wet ducks in the rain to be honest.
The Pink Panther said:
stonerblue said:
What's 'botany bay', a shop or summat?

Why do they charge to get in?

It used to be an unspoiled beauty and a natural wonder of the new world, however it was developed and is now known as Sydney international airport

Also once the home of the best fish and chips in the world but i guess it'll be a perfume shop now then,
I live quite near there.(That's why I can type fast with my six fingers) They haven't charged to get in for quite a while. Loads of City stuff in there.

If you're lookin for nearby pubs, try the Top Lock, The Dressers or the Golden Lion. Good beer and food.

I've been on those canal trips but never had strippers. I'll been checking it out again! the company is called Boatel Party Cruises.
I too arrived there saw that the cheeky fucking twats want you to pay to effectively get in to a shopping centre and promptly left. Whichever genius came up with that idea has probably lost them thousands in business over the years. Stupid decision. It's not that people are short of a couple of quid they just don't like having the piss took out of them. Suck my plums Botany Bay.
Hamann Pineapple said:
I too arrived there saw that the cheeky fucking twats want you to pay to effectively get in to a shopping centre and promptly left. Whichever genius came up with that idea has probably lost them thousands in business over the years. Stupid decision. It's not that people are short of a couple of quid they just don't like having the piss took out of them. Suck my plums Botany Bay.

They haven't charged for over a year now

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