Boycott the M*rror

I boycotted newspapers about eight years ago. They serve very little purpose these days. Social media has fresher need than newspapers could ever keep up with.
If you use NewsNow to get City info, you can stop the Mirror from appearing on the feed. Click on the name of the website and select Hide Publication


Do this and you won't be tempted to read their anti-City nonsense.


I've had Trinity Mirror (all publications) blocked on my Newsnow account for many years now.
The Sun, Star, most if not all of the newspapers are blocked and I haven't missed them one bit.

What happens if you screen grab an article and post the image, linked externally (like imgur)? Is that copyright infringement?

Good point. BM won't be the host of the image file, if (and it's a big IF) the mirror get some exclusive story which isn't anywhere else then just screengrab it and upp on, takes a minute if that
I can just picture them all on matchday........first name terms with the staff, "hi Vikki, you look as lovely as
ever . What's on the menu today? "
Fucking freeloading, oily, slimey cunts.
If I had her job, I'd invite them round on the promise of earth shattering news. Once they got there, I'd have them taken into a room one by one, get some security staff to hold them down over a
table, then get a shire horse to dry bum them. Then just throw them out of the exit onto the car park in the pissing rain with their pants around their ankles and their arseholes ripped to bits.
It'd never happen though because we live in such a nanny state.
That's why I originally raised the issue. When exactly did you raise your issue with Steve Jobs?
I don't think he invented the smart phone anyway so what would have been the point?
And the issue you raised was there are less and less WTPS because of the issues you raised. So why start and argument with yourself by then suggesting a Bluemoon WTPS?
I can just picture them all on matchday........first name terms with the staff, "hi Vikki, you look as lovely as
ever . What's on the menu today? "
Fucking freeloading, oily, slimey cunts.
If I had her job, I'd invite them round on the promise of earth shattering news. Once they got there, I'd have them taken into a room one by one, get some security staff to hold them down over a
table, then get a shire horse to dry bum them. Then just throw them out of the exit onto the car park in the pissing rain with their pants around their ankles and their arseholes ripped to bits.
It'd never happen though because we live in such a nanny state.

Maybe our owners are waiting for a big announcement and will invite all these cunts over to Abu Dhabi, and instead of the shire horse they'll use Camels ;)
I heard they Love a bit of torture over there.
I can just picture them all on matchday........first name terms with the staff, "hi Vikki, you look as lovely as
ever . What's on the menu today? "
Fucking freeloading, oily, slimey cunts.
If I had her job, I'd invite them round on the promise of earth shattering news. Once they got there, I'd have them taken into a room one by one, get some security staff to hold them down over a
table, then get a shire horse to dry bum them. Then just throw them out of the exit onto the car park in the pissing rain with their pants around their ankles and their arseholes ripped to bits.
It'd never happen though because we live in such a nanny state.

haha and if we didn't live in a nanny state it would happen surprised you went with a shite horse must be a bigger animal out there

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