Boycott the M*rror

I only boycott the sun for the lies it printed about Hillsborough and the fact that it is a tory rag.

I never bothered with the sun especially after they printed pictures of Foe being stretchered off the pitch dead the day after he passed away! Think they did the same thing with Muamba as well!

Never bought any of the national papers ever to be honest, only paper I've ever bought is the MEN and that's because I genuinely like Stuart Brennans articles and tend to agree with 95% of the things he says about City.
What's the story with tweets then? Not so much re. on here, but with the Twitter Organisation? Are the M****r Group going after them and stopping them? And if they're not, and the tweets are in the public domain, who owns the copyright to them? Twitter itself? If M****r tweets were embedded in posts on here, whose chips are we pissing on; the paper (loose definition of the term) or the social media monolith? Christ, my brain hurts!
If you use NewsNow to get City info, you can stop the Mirror from appearing on the feed. Click on the name of the website and select Hide Publication


Do this and you won't be tempted to read their anti-City nonsense.

I,ve already reached their limit of blocked publications!.
What's the story with tweets then? Not so much re. on here, but with the Twitter Organisation? Are the M****r Group going after them and stopping them? And if they're not, and the tweets are in the public domain, who owns the copyright to them? Twitter itself? If M****r tweets were embedded in posts on here, whose chips are we pissing on; the paper (loose definition of the term) or the social media monolith? Christ, my brain hurts!

It sounds like you're pissing on your own chips Jim.
List of publications owned by Trinity Mirror Group, The Dippers boycotted the Sun!

National Newspapers

Local and Regional Newspapers

Trinity Mirror Scotland[edit]
(Scottish and Universal Newspapers) [4]

Can everyone calm down! This is a commercial website and not part of an Anonymous hacking campaign.

The law is quite clear on publishing plagiarised material. Once notice is given, then such actions should desist immediately.

Defamation also extends to posted comments. Fair comment and honest opinion are fine [such as 'It is my belief that there is a media bias against MCFC.'] but wild accusations are not.

Making threats is also, potentially, a criminal offence.

Interestingly, the days of 'What the papers say' on websites seem to be disappearing. Every publisher is now seeing the value of their own website content and pull, including Ric.

It may be that publishing images of the back pages [like the KDB flop one] are also strictly the subject of copyright [as for most other images downloaded from the net] but, as they don't generally detract from the commercial viable of the originating site, then there is a more laissez faire attitude to them [well, for now, at least].

In my view, for what it's worth, if you are interested enough to read something, then it is only fair that you click. I'd be grateful it's still free - for now. Murdoch won't be the last. Apparently, the FT sells 250k hard copies but has 750k payhing subscribers and that why Nikkei bought it at an inflated price.

Finally, I have just read that a Villa fan in Oz paid to boo Delph. quod erat demonstrandum
Do you honestly think that the Mirror would take any from of legal action against a football fans' forum?

Sometimes, what the law says becomes secondary to the reality of a given situation.

Not telling Ric what to do for a second, but I'd be telling them to sue and be damned if it was my website.

They've got everything to lose, even if they 'win'.
Do you honestly think that the Mirror would take any from of legal action against a football fans' forum?

Sometimes, what the law says becomes secondary to the reality of a given situation.

Not telling Ric what to do for a second, but I'd be telling them to sue and be damned if it was my website.

They've got everything to lose, even if they 'win'.
How have they managed to infiltrate our forum, let's send them a solicitors letter.
Do you honestly think that the Mirror would take any from of legal action against a football fans' forum?

Sometimes, what the law says becomes secondary to the reality of a given situation.

Not telling Ric what to do for a second, but I'd be telling them to sue and be damned if it was my website.

They've got everything to lose, even if they 'win'.

'Kinell. Are you pissed?

That's one serious financial risk. Many £10ks to defend an action in the QBD. Do you even know what personal guarantees Ric has given?

With respect, I'd stick to pubs and leave the IP to me. ;)

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