Boycott the M*rror

does this include the MEN as they own that pile of shite also, the thing went to the dogs years ago, rag loving, load of crap.
About time all the red tops were killed off the mirror sun n star are all shite
In light of Ric's post I think it's only fair that any links to the mirror should be deleted by the mods as a matter of course. Lets make sure the cunts don't get any extra clicks from their heavy handed cuntishness.

i think the forum software can censor links automatically
when a reporter tweets an article isn't it then in the public domain and can be used what ever way is fit?
Any chance we can have the email address of the puppet who is protecting McDonnell, Cross et al......

Just two no marks with no relevance in the modern media world, made up shit is exposed..... I propose a signature application for members, that way any stuff that is plagiarised from the andrex substitutes, can be countered with..... Or just not quote as was initially stated!!!

Get GDM on some pro bono work, he's a lazy ****!!!
Surely football fan forums up and down the country must be copying and pasting stuff every day, they are going to be busy trying to control it.
Not bothered about the Mirror .
It's a dinosaur of a paper .
Used to read it in the 80s when Alec Johnson wrote stories on City .
Shouldn't they be busy ensuring that their management are refraining from insider dealing & hacking telephones?

Can the mods not block the Mirror's IP address(es) from actually accessing the site? At least we can try and make their lives difficult for this clearly bullying and over-reaching stance?

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