Breaking up is hard to do - Valentines special

Ardwick AFC

Well-Known Member
11 Oct 2011
Post your stories here.

Me first...

I'd recently come out of a long term relationship, so I was just messing about with various girls around the West Didsbury area for a bit. Wasn't really ready to jump into another heartbreaker. So, I'd been seeing this girl for a month or so, and she was starting to get a little bit heavy, texting and emailing me all day, even waiting outside my shared house when I came home from work. So I decided it was time to pull the shutters down on our brief relationship. I decided to take her round to the metropolitan pub on Burton road, and tell her over a drink. I know it was a bit cowardly to do it in a crowded room, but I considered she wouldn't blub like a child if there were people around us. So I came out with it, and she took it quite well, a slight quiver of the bottom lip, but she seemed to hold it together. Ten minutes later we were outside the pub, and I gave her a hug and wished her all the best. I then crossed over lapwing lane as she stood on the opposite side of the road watching me walk out of her life forever, and just then, at this very moment...a black taxi drove through a big puddle and soaked her....I kept walking, pretending I did not see it happen, and I could hear her wailing as I turned the corner and started to run home.
I finished with a girl once and she lost it and started attacking me, albeit not very effectively.

She was still trying to boot me up the arse when her dad came to pick her up 10 minutes later.

How great does it feel when you've done the deed and are walking/driving away though???

Jesus,I had a feeling you was gonna say she got wiped out by a black cab heart was racing,thinking "oh for fuck sake no ! "

Its amazing how reading things can do stuff like that to ya
corky1970 said:
i killed my 5th wife on valentines day.......its a habit
Any user name with numbers in it I always think it's the number of people they have killed

which in my mind makes 1.618034 a master of his craft
I've always been a massive shit bag when it comes to breaking up. I usually just ignor them until they get the message.
I dumped a bird on valentines day once. She promised me something 'really dirty' would happen as her mam and dad was out for the night. I told my mate, he told someone else, and so on.... i went round to hers, she told me that everyone was talking about it and one girl called her a slag. I said i would say nothing happened, but she still insisted that we just 'talk and stuff'. I dumped the woman there and then, and went with my pals to see shazza from sharston (i swear that is true) and banged her for cigs and cider.

AAAH sweet memories!
SteWadda said:
I've always been a massive shit bag when it comes to breaking up. I usually just ignor them until they get the message.

glen quagmire said:
I dumped a bird on valentines day once. She promised me something 'really dirty' would happen as her mam and dad was out for the night. I told my mate, he told someone else, and so on.... i went round to hers, she told me that everyone was talking about it and one girl called her a slag. I said i would say nothing happened, but she still insisted that we just 'talk and stuff'. I dumped the woman there and then, and went with my pals to see shazza from sharston (i swear that is true) and banged her for cigs and cider.

AAAH sweet memories!

Ha ha ha - you boys! Harsh!!

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