
GStar said:
Banned Tosspot said:

I occasionlly wander over there, i don't think you'll find me doing to much "encouraging weaker people to come over here and do anything" nor "backing up my internet friends" i can't understand why you think people actually think or act like that?

However i do actually remember you being a member to that exact forum and attempted to manipulate Rascal, of all posters, to stay away from BM if you stayed away from the forum you linked too.

I think thats easily, by far, the most underhand events that ever happened over on that small forum, which has, incidently, survived because of because of people like you over hear who seem to employ alterior motives other than to discuss thier love of City... A bit unfortunate your efforts at replecating BM didnt seem to have quite as successful a result.

It'd be nice if you didn't PM other posters on here spreading lies about the members of that forum too, as when you try and "expose" anyone it just smacks of hypocrasy of the stupidest kind.
You know what some people are like G; "Do as I say, not as I do"
GStar said:
Banned Tosspot said:

I occasionlly wander over there, i don't think you'll find me doing to much "encouraging weaker people to come over here and do anything" nor "backing up my internet friends" i can't understand why you think people actually think or act like that?

However i do actually remember you being a member to that exact forum and attempted to manipulate Rascal, of all posters, to stay away from BM if you stayed away from the forum you linked too.

I think thats easily, by far, the most underhand events that ever happened over on that small forum, which has, incidently, survived because of because of people like you over hear who seem to employ alterior motives other than to discuss thier love of City... A bit unfortunate your efforts at replecating BM didnt seem to have quite as successful a result.

It'd be nice if you didn't PM other posters on here spreading lies about the members of that forum too, as when you try and "expose" anyone it just smacks of hypocrasy of the stupidest kind.
Two things wrong in your post.

Rascal asked me to stay off there and he'd stay off here. I said no but in the end said yes as he pushed for it. In the end he broke the 'deal' he agreed which was pathetic in the first case.

Secondly, I don't PM other posters about those people as they make a fuckin' good joke of themselves anyway.

BTW I loved your attack on jay_mcfc over there, not too brave to do it here were you?
jimharri said:
GStar said:
Banned Tosspot said:

I occasionlly wander over there, i don't think you'll find me doing to much "encouraging weaker people to come over here and do anything" nor "backing up my internet friends" i can't understand why you think people actually think or act like that?

However i do actually remember you being a member to that exact forum and attempted to manipulate Rascal, of all posters, to stay away from BM if you stayed away from the forum you linked too.

I think thats easily, by far, the most underhand events that ever happened over on that small forum, which has, incidently, survived because of because of people like you over hear who seem to employ alterior motives other than to discuss thier love of City... A bit unfortunate your efforts at replecating BM didnt seem to have quite as successful a result.

It'd be nice if you didn't PM other posters on here spreading lies about the members of that forum too, as when you try and "expose" anyone it just smacks of hypocrasy of the stupidest kind.
You know what some people are like G; "Do as I say, not as I do"
Go back to posting semi naked women Jim, you're out of your depth here.
Banned Tosspot said:
Two things wrong in your post.

Rascal asked me to stay off there and he'd stay off here. I said no but in the end said yes as he pushed for it. In the end he broke the 'deal' he agreed which was pathetic in the first case.

Secondly, I don't PM other posters about those people as they make a fuckin' good joke of themselves anyway.

BTW I loved your attack on jay_mcfc over there, not too brave to do it here were you?

I'm pretty sure it was you initial suggestion, but either way you didn't hold back trying to bring it up at every point.

And me and Jay have had many run ins in the past, pulled no punches... however i realise its an internet forum and hold no grudges either way... This is a pretty much anonymous environment, why would bravery come into it?

Still tracking down the actions of any poster who's crossed you though i see?
jimharri said:
Banned Tosspot said:
Go back to posting semi naked women Jim, you're out of your depth here.
Gives you something to wank over, I suppose. Unless you want me to post pictures of wacko? It can be arranged.
Nah, you only post the pics to make horny men like you. You offer fuck all else to this forum. You've been groomed by the same person on here that causes all this shit and the reason the likes of TMQ and now Ducado look like tits.
GStar said:
Banned Tosspot said:
Two things wrong in your post.

Rascal asked me to stay off there and he'd stay off here. I said no but in the end said yes as he pushed for it. In the end he broke the 'deal' he agreed which was pathetic in the first case.

Secondly, I don't PM other posters about those people as they make a fuckin' good joke of themselves anyway.

BTW I loved your attack on jay_mcfc over there, not too brave to do it here were you?

I'm pretty sure it was you initial suggestion, but either way you didn't hold back trying to bring it up at every point.

And me and Jay have had many run ins in the past, pulled no punches... however i realise its an internet forum and hold no grudges either way... This is a pretty much anonymous environment, why would bravery come into it?

Still tracking down the actions of any poster who's crossed you though i see?
Nope, it was his suggestion. Russ and I are OK BTW.

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