Brief History of the Universe

just curious if any of you argumentative cunts bothered to watch the video I linked. If it makes it any more palatable it's a brit who's talking, not a Sherman
But again, cause and affect only comes into play after the Big Bang. Before the Big Bang needs no cause.

Edit: I see you make that point.
Cause and effect do Not come into play after the Big Bang . Cause and effect come into play AT the Big Bang . There is a great difference.
The Big Bang does not create itself which is what is implied .

See the argument below which I believe is undefeated , the first 2 premises of which ,serve as empirical evidence leading to a theistic conclusion .

You should probably check again

I was just saying the fact of the day is sometimes subject to change i.e Pluto, Earth being flat, Earth being the center of the universe etc. If everybody was satisfied with what the scientist's of their era stated as fact or scientific hypothesis then we would never of progressed.

I see it like this what are the odds of a single atom exploding and creating this universe 13.8 billion years ago, can you imagine how many catastrophes that must of happened in our favor for our own little solar system to exist, not only that but for our planet to orbit the sun at just the right distance to have liquid water.

Add to that the evolution of life and then the extinction of life (Dinosaurs) that gave us the chance to evolve in to human beings, then fast forward 13.8 billion years to the present where we in this forum are discussing the beginning of the universe. Are we no more than just energy created after the explosion being consciously aware of itself and witnessing its own being and journey from the outside looking in ? Born out of chaos and chance.

Then you have the possibility of a great architect/creator who made everything happen for a reason where everything comes down to design rather than chance ? I also wonder what the odds of this are.

But when you think man kind itself can create life in a laboratory and also replicate the necessary environment for life to begin then it probably isn't that far fetched.

Either way for each argument it always comes back to one question who put the creator there or if there was no creator who put the atom there?

I imagine our minds probably cant comprehend the answer to these questions because we exist in a universe where we are contained by the law of physics, I cant imagine a place where time doesn't exist where everything is eternal and has always been. But saying that it would probably be the same as me trying to explain to a gold fish how the Earth came about and how he ended up in that bowel.
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Cause and effect do Not come into play after the Big Bang . Cause and effect come into play AT the Big Bang . There is a great difference.
The Big Bang does not create itself which is what is implied .

See the argument below which I believe is undefeated , the first 2 premises of which ,serve as empirical evidence leading to a theistic conclusion .

No. You're still wrong.

Repeating your same argument doesn't change that.

There is no cause and effect before the Big Bang.

And please do the forum a favour and leave your theism out of it.

Unless you can explain who created your God thingy.
You and him can go off and have a little wrong picnic if you like but this still doesn't make him any less wrong.

Can incorrect quiche, misguided salad and erroneous elderflower cordial be served.
Sounds like a wonderful day out.
Damocles is taking all comers here, a man on a scientific quest of righteousness.
The fact that I feel dumber after every post I don't understand is irrelevant. Ha

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